How To Shop Sustainably For Earth Day, So Both You & Mother Earth Can Look Great
From a young age we were all taught to respect our mothers, so why do we treat Mother Earth so terribly? The fashion industry is a whimsical and exciting realm, but it's not always great for the environment. But no need to panic. With Earth Day around the corner on April 22, we've gathered a few recommendations for where to shop sustainably for Earth Day, so you don't have to feel guilty about rocking that super cute outfit.
Believe it or not, the fashion industry is one of the largest polluters in the world, second after oil, according to Eco Watch. How is this possible? Well a huge reason is due to all the elements it takes to manufacture and distribute clothing, and the huge impact it makes on the environment. Natural resource extraction, water waste, and dyeing fabrics are just a few factors that go into producing clothing, not to mention the fossil used for shipping them worldwide.
The impact these elements have on the environment is undeniable, and certainly not helping the fight to find solutions for climate change. Have I totally bummed you out? Well here's some good news. There's a number of brands that recognize this huge problem within their industry, and are facing it head on. Who said sustainability can't be sexy? Just peep these collections and try not to overdraft your bank account.
All Birds Features Naturally Dyed And Fashionable Footwear
Earth Day may scream green, but sustainable footwear company All Birds wants to bring a little pop of pastel into your wardrobe. In honor of Earth Day, the company has released three limited edition naturally dyed sneakers as a part of their wool runner collection. Not only are these sneakers a double threat by being comfortable and cute, but ditching the synthetic dyes is a huge help for the environment.
According to Trusted Clothes, an organization that connects people with ethical and sustainable brands, synthetic dyes can impact water quality since a large percentage of dye doesn't stick to the fabric used. Once water quality is compromised, so are the lives of aquatic life and the soil.
Reformation Tracks Your Environmental Footprint
Contemporary, fashion-forward clothing company Reformation is more than just a stylish site, it's also spearheading the fight to reach complete sustainability. How are they doing this? Well, the company has introduced a RefScale, which tracks our environmental footprints by adding pounds of carbon dioxide emitted, gallons of water used, as well as pounds of waste generated. Then, the company compares that environmental footprint to its own practices, and releases their findings about how each of their products impact the environment.
This is literally woke-eco fashion and I'm digging it.
Dankomade Takes A City's Trash And Transforms It To One Of A Kind Furniture
Oh yeah, and it's not just fashion brands making the effort to care for the earth as well as their customers. For those who are totally obsessed with the "rustic-chic" aesthetic like me, I've got a company that'll have you completely drooling. Sustainable German company Dankomade, based out of WeWork, takes people's custom orders and brings them to life by sourcing materials around the city of Berlin. Products ranging from scrap metal, leftover plywood, and dumpster artifacts are brought together to create one of a kind accessories that'll compliment any home or ambiance. Dumpster diving has truly never been so chic.
Oui Shave Lets You Reuse Your Razor Without Compromising Smoothness
Isn't rose gold the new green? Once you test out this reusable rose gold razor from Oui Shave you'll absolutely be on board. Throwing out disposable plastic razors can't be good for the environment. In fact, environmental collective Urban Meisters released a report about the impact disposable razors have on water pollution. According to the site, an estimated 2 billion disposable razors are thrown into the ocean every year just in the U.S. alone because they're non recyclable and go straight to landfill. So, not only will you get a fabulous shave with the world's most aesthetic razor, but you'll also be saving the ocean. Talk about a triple win.
Kala's Intimates Are Sustainable And Sexy
Brooklyn-based intimate apparel company, Kala, also out of WeWork, is all about comfort, inclusivity, and sustainability. Featuring eco-friendly products ranging from underwear, bras, and the classic white-tee, this brand is all about promoting loungewear that doesn't hurt the environment. So what are you waiting for? Cuddle up in your undies and enjoy being surrounded by those trendy succulents without any guilt.
So you see? Shopping sustainably doesn't mean you have to compromise runway ready style.
I'll see all of you on the catwalk.