The ‘Game of Thrones’ Couple You Love To Stan, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

by Rachel Shatto

There are so many reasons to love Game of Thrones: the mythology, the plot twists, the dragons, and, of course, the love stories. Now, don't get me wrong, I love an epic battle scene. The "Battle of the Bastards" episode is one of my top five favorite TV episodes of all time. But as much as I love the excitement and the intrigue, I can't help but ship a few of the couples as well. My favorite Game Of Thrones couple may not be the most exciting, but it's definitely the sweetest. Sam and Gilly. Come on — they're just so cute! If they don't get their happy ending, I'm rioting!

That said, they are far from being the only couple on the series worth rooting for. In fact, it's probably pretty easy to predict which duo has your heart based on your zodiac sign, because when you think about it, each GoT couple has different attitudes toward romance, and they can be matched pretty easily with the attitudes most commonly associated with each zodiac sign. For example, that could be a focus on security, epic romance, passion, or just simply shared goals. There really is a little something for everyone in this series. So, here are the Game of Thrones couples you likely love the most, based on your astrological sign.

ARIES (MARCH 21 TO APRIL 19): Robb & Talisa Stark


Sure, in hindsight, running off and getting married to Robb while he was already betrothed to a Frey was not such a great idea. However, as any Aries can tell you, when passion strikes, sometimes you just have to go for it. Yes, it was an impulsive decision, but sometimes you just have to trust your gut and go for it.

TAURUS (APRIL 20 TO MAY 20): Arya Stark & Gendry Baratheon


OK, so they aren't officially a couple, but did you catch that chemistry in the season premiere? Hotter than Gendry’s forge, if you know what I’m saying. This relationship, which began as a friendship before it blossomed into a potential romance, will feel very familiar to Taurus. There is something sweet about it, like coming home for these two, which is pretty much relationship goals for this sign.

GEMINI (MAY 21 TO JUNE 20): Brienne of Tarth & Tormund Giantsbane


This is another couple that has yet to be official — but that is hardly going to stop Gemini (or anyone, for that matter) from shipping these two, hard. For Gemini, romance begins with a meeting of the minds and shared interests, and while Brienne doesn’t realize it yet, Tormund truly gets her... perhaps better than anyone else. Plus, it's just great to finally see someone look at Brienne they same way the audience does: with utter adoration.

CANCER (JUNE 21 TO JULY 22): Jamie Lannister & Brienne of Tarth


For Cancer, no love resonates quite like the one that grew between Jamie and Brienne on the road to King’s Landing. Both of them were guarded at first, but with time, they opened up to one another and bared their vulnerabilities in ways they had never shown another living soul. That kind of connection lasts a lifetime and never lets go. Now that they are reunited in Winterfell, Cancer is probably crossing their fingers in hopes that this almost-romance will spark again.

LEO (JULY 23 TO AUG. 22): Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen


Really, was there ever any doubt for Leo that Jon and Dany’s destined romance was going to be their favorite? Now that Jon knows his true parentage, realizing that Dany is actually his aunt might make their relationship quite problematic (even if Targaryens have been marrying each other for centuries!). But, remember: This is Game of Thrones, and anything is possible. Besides, they're just so gorgeous together, and the true stars of the show. Of course Leo identifies with their love story most of all.

VIRGO (AUG. 23 TO SEPT. 22): Samwell Tarly & Gilly


Sam and Gilly’s love story may not be the flashiest, but it's the sweetest and the most real, especially if you have a Virgo’s perspective. They are a perfect match and give each other exactly what they need to be happy, fulfilled, and loved. Just from a purely analytical perspective, they are right for one another, and that appeals to Virgo. Also, they're just so cute.

LIBRA (SEPT. 23 TO OCT. 22): Grey Worm & Missandei


For Libra, all things come down to balance — particularly when it comes to romance. And is there a couple more well suited for one another than Missandei and Grey Worm? They are in perfect harmony and possess both a heart connection and plenty of passion — both of which are essential ingredients for a couple worthy of Libra's shipping.

SCORPIO (OCT. 23 TO NOV. 21): Daario Naharis & Daenerys Targaryen


There are plenty of love connections in Westeros, but it was this passionate pairing in Essos that tops Scorpio’s list. When Dany made her power move in seducing Daario, Scorpios probably felt like they were looking in a mirror. Here’s hoping Daario finds an excuse to make his way across the Narrow Sea for a super hot reunion. Sorry, Jon… (But also not sorry.)

SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22 TO DEC. 21): Jon Snow & Ygritte


Making sweet love in a cave with an adventurous wildling? Well, that’s basically Sag’s ultimate sexy goal. So of course no couple has quite stolen their heart like Jon and Ygritte. Theirs was the kind of hot, heavy, and sadly, brief romance that Sag most identifies with.

CAPRICORN (DEC. 22 TO JAN. 19): Tyrion Lannister & Sansa Stark


Granted, this couple’s relationship didn’t start in the best or healthiest fashion, lest we forget that Sansa and Tyrion were forced into marriage. However, Tyrion’s respect for Sansa (and his love for another, much more problematic partner in Shae) means this relationship is one that has the potential to go somewhere more positive now that everyone is an adult. And honestly, Capricorn is pretty on board for what could be the true power couple in Westeros. Sure, Dany and Jon have dragons, but these two have have intellect and leadership experience that might lead all the way to the top if they join forces — something Cap is totally here for.

AQUARIUS (JAN. 20 TO FEB. 18): Oberyn Martell & Ellaria Sand


Aquarius is not a sign that feels any pressure to conform to tradition. They are unique souls who create their own paths, including in the romance department. So, when Oberyn and Ellaria and their utterly, unapologetically nontraditional — but totally passionate and loving — relationship appeared on screen, Aquarius was smitten.

PISCES (FEB. 19 TO MARCH 20): Rhaegar Targaryen & Lyanna Stark


For a true romantic like Pisces, the most swoon-worthy couple of the series has to be the one that really started it all: Rhaegar and Lyanna. Their forbidden love, which led them to run off together despite it almost tearing the seven kingdoms apart forever, is just the epic romance that Pisces lives for. It may not have ended well, but, hey, "better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" is basically this sign's personal motto.

Oh, Game of Thrones, how you love to play games with our hearts. But that's just one of a million reasons why it's the absolute best.

Seriously, though, if Sam and Gilly don't get a happily ever after, I’ll have to go full Mad King up in here.