
You Can Finally Buy A Giant Jug Of Papa John’s Garlic Sauce, So Put It On Everything

Papa John's

I know this might seem weird, but there are certain types of foods that would definitely be delicious enough to bathe in. While I'm sure many of you would choose to lather up in a tub full of guacamole, I can think of so many people who would rather kick back in a jacuzzi filled with Papa John's delectable garlic sauce (myself included). If that sounds up your alley, here's where to buy Papa John's garlic sauce in mass quantities. Let's make this dream bath a reality, y'all.

On Friday, May 11, Papa John's will officially start selling its iconic garlic sauce in XL gallon jugs for only $20 each. According to a press release, the company's garlic sauce will only be sold for a limited time online across 13 states in major cities, including Atlanta, Chicago, Cincinnati, Columbus, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, Louisville, Nashville, and New York. If it isn't available anywhere near you, I see a road trip in your future. And yes, I'm literally high-fiving a million angels, because New York has gloriously made the list. Neighbors, get ready for my apartment to smell like a slice of heaven.

If you've never given Papa John's garlic sauce a shot, you've seriously been missing out on something amazing. The creamy and flavorful dip was always the best part of ordering a pie, and I'm elated that I no longer have to exclusively pair it with my pizza. It's about to be drizzled atop all of my boring salads, my basic AF pasta dinners, and, most importantly, every single late night snack. This is seriously going to be a life-changing addition to my fridge — and now that I'm thinking about it, I'm going to need to double up on mouth wash (because, man, that stuff is potent).

Papa John's

According to the press release, this life-altering sale will also include a slew of garlic sauce merch. Thus far, they're selling two different stylish graphic T's, and I'm really hoping they'll release even more over time. How about more garlic sauce attire? Perhaps some garlic sauce tooth paste, or a little on-the-go garlic sauce key chain for my purse? I'm eagerly waiting for any and all garlic sauce-themed merchandise, because I need as much of it in my closet as possible. The site is up right now, so if you're reading this, I think you can guess what I want for my birthday. Cough, cough, hint, hint.

Papa John's

While I'm thinking about my favorite fast food spots sharing their secret sauces, McDonald's comes to mind. McDonald's started selling their Big Mac sauce way back in 2016, and fans were literally beside themselves. Like a combination of Thousand Island dressing and magic, it was everything I could ever want in a 500-milliliter flip-top bottle. And, they only cost $4.95 each. Unfortunately, it was available for a very limited time, in extremely limited quantities (only 4,000 bottles, to be exact) — and it was solely available at McDonald's locations in Australia. So, um, yeah, that was kind of a let-down, but nevertheless, it was extremely exciting.

Anyway, if you're infatuated with the dreamy goodness that is Papa John's garlic sauce, make sure to put a few gallons in your online cart today at noon before supplies runs out. I mean, if you know me at all, I'll definitely be ordering like, at least ten gallons of it. Maybe even more, who knows? With that, I'd like to issue a warning to all of you. Make sure to approach me with caution over these next few weeks... I'm going to be smelling really, really delicious.