You Can Get Free Pizza From 7-Eleven On Oct. 31 For A Cheesy Halloween Bite
Don't get me wrong — I really like candy. Very few things can surpass the glorious experience of sinking your teeth into a massive Reese's Cup, licking every last sticky bit off a lollipop stick, or coating each and every one of your teeth in gooey Snickers caramel. On a regular basis, however, I'd say I more often tend to crave pizza over candy. And since Halloween brings substantially more sweets than cheese, 7-Eleven is coming in clutch for dairy-lovers everywhere by offering complimentary 'za. Yes, you heard that correctly. If you're looking to get extra cheesy this Halloween, here's how to get free pizza from 7-Eleven on Halloween. As a freebie fanatic, I'm all about it.
Regardless of how you choose to spend your Halloween, I can safely assume that at some point in the night, you'll end up ordering a pizza pie for you, your friends, or the spooky ghost that lives in your upstairs closet. My assumptions are most likely correct. How do I know? Well, according to 7-Eleven, Halloween is the most popular day to order whole pizza pies. In fact, 7-Eleven alone sold over 91,000 pies on the spooky holiday last year, which is why the chain is offering cheese-lovers everywhere the opportunity to get a free pizza on Oct. 31. Yes, it's true, and I'm beyond excited.
Whether you're looking to chow down on a pie topped with pepperoni, triple cheese, sausage, or extreme meat (which includes Canadian bacon, pepperoni, bacon, pork sausage, and beef), you can snag a free pizza by simply downloading the 7Reward app, and redeeming a free pizza, when ordering between 4 p.m. and 10 p.m. (local time) on Halloween night. Each pie is covered in 100% Whole Milk Mozzarella cheese, and they can be baked in-store in a matter of three quick minutes. Spoooooky.
If you're looking to kill two birds with one stone, on the other hand, the convenience store chain also sells a variety of really rad Halloween candy. In fact, they're now offering Sour Patch Kids Zombie Candy, which is guaranteed to make your skin crawl. According to 7-Eleven, you can snag one 5-ounce bag of the orange and grape candies for $1.99, and you can buy two bags for $3. They're only here for Halloween, though, so you can buy them for a limited time at 7-Eleven stores. Definitely make sure to get a taste before they're gone.
Surprisingly, this isn't the first time 7-Eleven has offered a really solid food deal. Back in July 2018, to celebrate National Hot Dog Day, the convenience store offered $1 Big Bite hot dogs at select participating stores. Think about it: you could get five dogs for a mere $5. It was truly life-changing.
Between candy, costumes, and festivities, Halloween was already my number one favorite day of the season. Now, between free pizza pies and zombie candy, though, it might honestly be the greatest day of the year. Whether you choose to go with a cheesy or meaty pie, follow your heart, and don't forget to offer a slice to the ghost in your attic.