
Donald Trump's Memorial Day Tweets Include Tributes To Soldiers & More Rants On Democrats

by Amanda Fama
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images News/Getty Images/Twitter

Folks across the United States are spending Monday, May 27 honoring the soldiers who've served the country and paid the ultimate sacrifice. Some people are visiting memorials, marching in parades, and wearing red, white, and blue, while others are showing their support online. Take the president, for example. In a move that surprised absolutely no one, he used Twitter to honor the date. However, all of his tweets didn't *exactly* align with the meaning of the holiday. Don't get me wrong: Donald Trump's Memorial Day tweets did include tributes to soldiers, but they also went a little off-topic with a quick rant on the Democrats (obviously).

I'll start with Trump's Memorial Day-specific tweets, because they are there. Early on Monday morning, Trump tweeted a video featuring the Arlington National Cemetery. The footage itself sweeps through the cemetery and honors soldiers who've served the country. It also features military members on the site along with visitors who've lost their loved ones. Trump didn't give the video a caption, but he did mention the Arlington National Cemetery's Twitter handle above it (so, like, that's something).

Anyway, you can check out the video below. It's short, sweet, and to the point — but it's certainly not his only Memorial Day tweet.

After sharing the video of the Arlington National Cemetery, Trump shared a photo of himself posing with two members of the military. The caption written on the photo says this: "Land of the free because of the brave."

Again, Trump wasn't wordy in his caption. Instead, he just used the hashtag #MemorialDay.

At the time of publication, Trump shared one more Memorial Day-centric tweet that honored the holiday with a video. Similar to the first video he shared, the second was filmed at the Arlington National Cemetery. However, it was seemingly released by the White House and features himself and Melania walking on site and visiting military gravestones.

Like his previous Memorial Day tweets, Trump was short with his caption. In fact, he didn't say anything along with the video, and just mentioned The White House's Twitter handle instead.

As you can see, Trump used Twitter to honor Memorial Day with photos and videos instead of long, wordy tweets. However, in the midst of his Memorial Day tributes, he tweeted about something totally unrelated (but probably expected): the Democrats' involvement in Congress and "fake news." In fact, he started his day with those tweets before even mentioning the holiday.

More specifically, Trump began Monday morning with tweets about impeachment, libel laws for "Fake News Media," and, of course, the Democrats in Congress. In fact, one of his tweets that was directly followed by the Arlington National Cemetery video ranted about the Democratic party, saying that "the Dems are getting NOTHING done in Congress! They only want a Do-Over on Mueller!"

The tweet isn't exactly Memorial Day-themed, but I guess it's something he felt compelled to share. I mean, this isn't the first time Trump's tweeted about the Mueller report, and it definitely won't be the last.

Hey, at least Trump shared some videos and photos honoring Memorial Day. That's the silver lining, right?