
The January Lunar Eclipse Might Make Your Head Throb, So Here's How To Ease The Pain

by Georgina Berbari

On Jan. 31, 2018, a rare blue moon lunar eclipse will light up the night sky. While sky-gazers and space enthusiasts alike are probably amped AF, some of you may be wondering what kind of havoc this astronomical event is going to wreak on your body. For example, does the lunar eclipse give you headaches? Because, let's be honest, outer space can do some pretty whacky things to your body, and even your brain, and we deserve some answers.

According to TIME, a combination of various lunar events will take place all on the same day, at the same time, including a blue moon (the second full moon of the month), a supermoon (a full moon that's as close to the Earth as it can possibly be), and of course, a total lunar eclipse (when the Earth passes between the sun and the moon). With all of these things happening at the same time, the moon is expected to appear bolder, more red, and overall, it'll be quite a sight to see.

Honestly, just thinking about how much sh*t will go down up in outer space that night is low-key giving me a bit of a headache. But whether you're witnessing an extra special lunar event like this one, or a regular run-of-the-mill lunar eclipse, you may have to deal with an annoying, throbbing headache as a result.

A lunar eclipse can only occur on the night of a full moon, and full moons can potentially tamper with a lot of things in your body.

Let's start with the hormonal stuff. According to, many women's periods sync up with the full moon, so if there are two full months in a single month, you might start experiencing double the hormonal fluctuations, resulting in uninvited PMS symptoms. If you're prone to menstrual migraines and pounding temples when Aunt Flo comes to visit, this might not be the best news for you, my friend.

As if that's not irritating enough, a full moon can disrupt your sleep patterns, too. Again, if you're already prone to migraines, the slightest lack of sleep can trigger those head-splitting, nauseating sensations. And even if you don't regularly deal with migraines, lack of shut-eye can definitely lead to a headache that you just can't shake.

Unfortunately, there's even more to the story here: The upcoming lunar event might even go as far as to affect the serotonin levels in your body. The imbalance in this mood-regulating hormone is yet another factor that could be causing some aches and pains up in your noggin.

I wish that was the last of it, but alas, it's not. You've probably heard about the powerful effects of the moon on ocean tides. Well, with that in mind, consider this: Our bodies are made up of about 70 percent water. Believe it or not, just because that water is inside your body, that doesn't mean it's necessarily immune to lunar events. The gravitational pull of the moon could, indeed, affect your body, in the form of anything from vertigo, to mood swings, to, you guessed it, freaking headaches, man.

Keep in mind, there's hardly any scientific evidence on all of this, so it's more speculation than anything else. But there are undoubtedly a lot of factors at play here, and let's be real, if there's even a chance that the super blue blood moon on Jan. 31 could mess with your head, why stand idly by and let it wreak havoc on your body?

Rest assured, if the lunar eclipse at the end of the month does make your head throb, there are a few ways to cope.

Of course, you can always take over-the-counter meds like Excedrin to dull the pain. But if you're looking for a more holistic approach, you can incorporate some headache-busting yoga poses into your day, apply peppermint or lavender essential oils to your temples, try a few minutes of meditation and deep breathing, or even indulge in a warm, epsom salt bath to unwind that evening. Plus, it never hurts to make sure you're staying super hydrated, as a lack of H2O can definitely lead to a headache in and of itself.

At the end of the day, remind yourself that this, too, shall pass. Remember, too, that you can't control the workings of the moon and the solar system. So, instead of stressing over what it may do to your body, enjoy the rare lunar spectacle that evening, and take a moment to appreciate how vast and incredible the universe truly is.