'Sharp Objects' Watchers May Be Convinced This Character Is The Killer, Here Are All The Details
Sharp Objects has aired three episodes so far. At this point, Camille has two solid suspects for killed Ann Nash and Natalie Keene. The first is Natalie's brother, John Keene. The town thinks there something undoubtedly not right about him and his tears for his sister's passing. The other is Bob Nash, Ann's father, whose behavior towards his children raises eyebrows. The town thinks there something not right about him either. Did Bob Nash kill Natalie and Ann on Sharp Objects? Warning: Spoilers For Sharp Objects follow. This post only discusses the happenings in the TV series so far.
Camille's fellow women in town wrinkle their nose at John's behavior, as well as his mother. His girlfriend Ashley is desperately worried about him and asks Camille to interview him so they can get their side of the story out. But Camille's focus isn't just on Keene, especially when she realizes Detective Willis thinks Bob Nash is the key.
She catches Willis taking a sample of dirt from Bob's tires, and puts two and two together he's looking for a dirt sample to maybe attach to where Natalie or Ann disappeared. Willis won't admit she's right, but his face says she is. But why would Nash kill his own kid? And why would he kill Natalie as well?
Nash definitely has emotional problems, and not just his need to discipline his kids past the point of reason. When Camille interviews him, he admits Ann was "so intelligent" he could talk to her in a way he couldn't with his own wife. This smacks of a level of emotional incest between Bob and his eldest girl. Could this have been what was going on?
Nash is also very eager to throw the suspicion on Keene when Camille interviews him, suggesting the kid has urges he can't control. He might have said more, but Adora comes racing in to put a stop to Camille's work. Is there something to it? Or is Nash projecting his own issues onto someone else?
That's the problem with both suspects. Neither really have a motive other than emotional states the town ascribes to them, which are mostly wrong. The assumption is John Keene was too close to his sister. But there's no proof, other than some tears shed at a funeral.
Nash at least admits he was perhaps too close with his daughter, but not in a way that suggests he really had a motive. As he points out, if he were a prettier looking man who lived on the right side of town, no one would even suggest he was somehow responsible for his daughter's death.
But even so, Nash can't endorse the one idea that would take him out of the running as a suspect. When Camille says a woman might have done it, he shuts that line of thinking down immediately. It's perhaps the most frustrating assumption of all by the town, and even by the two most prominent suspects. Whatever happened, it couldn't have been a woman who killed these girls.
Will it turn out to be Nash or Keene? Until Camille gets more evidence, no one can be ruled out.