
Here's The Truth About Dating Someone Who Shares Your Zodiac Sign

When I'm getting to know someone, either as a friend or as a potential love interest, I want to know the basics — where are they from, what makes them tick, and what their sign is. Zodiac signs can be extremely informative and insightful into someone's best and worst traits, and this can be extra valuable when you're dating someone with the same zodiac sign. Certain signs are super compatible, while others are majorly combustible. That's not to say that the relationship is guaranteed to either succeed or fail, but learning about how sign-on-sign dynamics play out can be very helpful as you navigate a new relationship.

Dating someone with your same zodiac sign can be interesting, since your partner might mirror both your best and your worst traits right back at you. What you find irritating about yourself might similarly irritate you about your partner, but what you pride yourself on could also be present in your relationship with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Essentially, you both might have similar instincts and traits which can lend itself to compatibility yet also indicate where potential conflict and incompatibility could lie. Of course, aspects like rising signs, life experiences, and other personality traits mean that two people born under the same sign will exhibit those sign-specific traits slightly differently, so think of your dynamic with a same-sign partner as more of a fun house mirror!


Certain signs are more compatible with each other, like Cancer. Cancer loves to get cozy with another Cancer. They both take the time to get to know each other, develop emotional intimacy, and let someone into their hard shell. Taurus also does well with another Taurus, providing that they share similar beliefs. If both are liberal, then great! But if one is liberal and one is conservative, stubborn Taurus could have a hard time seeing the other's point of view. Libra also does well with other Libras, since they both prioritize harmony, peace, and are deeply emotional. Similarly, a double Sagittarius couple will be blissfully happy adventuring together, learning, discovering and never settling down for too long in one place or one routine.


There are specific sign-on-sign relationships that could provide more drama than harmony. Leo loves to be the center of attention, and is drawn to people who appreciate and celebrate them. And Leo does love to celebrate; they relish having an equally attractive and shiny partner, but do not like sharing the spotlight. If they can trade turns standing center stage, all will be well, but more likely than not, Leo likes to be the only star.

Aries on Aries can be a tricky combination, too, because Aries likes to be right in all situations, loves conflict and competition, and does not like to apologize. If Aries can figure out how to argue with another Aries in a productive, non-hurtful way, then they'll be a dynamic pair, and the relationship will be fueled with passion and adventure.

Gemini will never, ever be bored with another Gemini, but their combined unpredictability and indecisiveness don't bode well for the long-term. One will need to provide some stability and become more grounded, because if both of them constantly forgets their wallet, who's paying for dinner?


Aquarius will love the constant conversation and stimulation of another Aquarius, but their tendency is to keep things superficial. Baring their souls and getting into deeply honest emotional conversations is not always something Aquarius is comfortable with, so this relationship will stay fun and playful, but likely nothing more.

When you're first getting to know someone and entering into a romantic relationship, finding similarities and compatibilities is encouraging and exciting. These things bode well for your future as a couple, and sometimes seeing traits in your partner that you recognize in yourself can feel familiar and safe. They can also be red flags, like if you both have the same weaknesses or bad habits. Overall, understanding your zodiac sign can help you navigate a relationship with a partner who shares your same sign, or at the very least, help you understand them (and yourself) a bit better.

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