
This Razor Brand Is The First To Show Body Hair In Its Ads — & The Results Are Beautiful

Believe it or not, despite women being told over and over again that they should rid themselves of body hair, no razor brands have actually shown the real process of body hair removal in any of their ads — until now, that is. Enter Billie, a subscription-based razor company that keeps women who choose to shave off their unwanted hair at the forefront. And what makes the brand extra special is that Billie's latest campaign actually show women's body hair in its ads. Not only are they the first brand to do so, but this is something that InStyle reported hasn't been done for over 100 years!

Using their new campaign, Project Body Hair (PBH), Billie aims to normalize and celebrate female body hair, no matter where it may show up and grow.

"There's a serious lack of female body hair on the internet," Billie wrote on the PBH website. "Search 'woman' in any image gallery and you’ll be scrolling for a while before finding a single strand."

To help resolve this issue and normalize the fact that, yes, everyone does have natural body hair, Billie has created a free image gallery of women in all of their hairy glory just being, well, real. The brand also invites people to share the photos wherever they'd like. And, if you're up for it yourself, by using the hashtag #ProjectBodyHair, you can also share some of your own. Because, according to Billie, "the internet could use a little more fuzz."

"Only showing smooth, hairless legs seemed like an archaic way of representing women," Billie co-founder Georgina Gooley said in a statement, as reported by InStyle. "We have always said shaving is a choice — it’s your hair and no one should tell you what to do with it. We’re excited to launch a campaign that will help normalize body hair and change the one-dimensional way in which women are portrayed in mass media."


As previously mentioned, Billie is subscription-based service. But the best part isn't just the fact that it starts at only $9. It's that the products are priced so low because the company doesn't believe in pink tax, that little added fee on so many women's goods. The company also prides itself on donating 1 percent of all revenue to women's causes around the world. Currently, they're giving to Every Mother Counts, which is a group that focuses on making pregnancy and childbirth safe for women all over the globe.


Apart from the Project Body Hair campaign by Billie, many celebrities have been seen rocking their body hair out and proud, further proving that there's absolutely nothing wrong with letting nature take its course.

Among those who aren't afraid of going au naturel is Paris Jackson. Back in August 2017, the daughter of the king of pop, Michael Jackson, shared a photo on Instagram where she showed off her leg hair and captioned the pic, "If you're not competing with your brother over who can grow longer leg hair wyed." Jackson turned off the comments, presumably to avoid any flack from body-shaming internet trolls. And I definitely can't blame her for wanting to just be herself in peace.

So whether or not you love your body hair or prefer a clean shave (or both!), the bottom line is that it's your body — only your rules apply. Despite what product any company is marketing or what influencers are promoting through social media, you should always rock whatever makes you feel comfortable and beautiful. And if you're feeling bold enough, you can even go ahead and dye your 'pits hot pink like Miley Cyrus did back in 2015.

All in all, I hope the mindset of letting women do what they want with their body hair is here to stay.