These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Worst Week Because Life Is Shifting In A Major Way
I know you're still aching from the pain of so many retrogrades and so many eclipses. Even though the majority of the astrological chaos is over, the cosmos mean business, and they never truly take a vacation from teaching you a lesson. Presenting our universe with one obstacle after another, it's clear they're not here to coddle you. They're here to help you grow, and whoever said growth was easy? Keep this in mind when I tell you that as of August, 27, 2018, this will be the worst week for these zodiac signs: Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. And if any of these signs happen to be your rising sign, you'll probably feel the difficulties even more intensely.
Although the series of eclipses that put our universe through a whirlwind are technically a thing of the past, their effects are still more than tangible. In fact, you could be feeling the effects for as long as six months from now, making this a strange period for the majority of us. Even if nothing happened for you during the actual eclipse, something major might still be waiting for you down the line. And who knows? Maybe this is the week that you finally begin to understand what these changes are all about.
Leo: You Could Feel Like There's Too Much On Your Plate
Although Mercury retrograde in Leo is now complete, that doesn't mean the challenges are entirely over. Since the partial solar eclipse that took place a few weeks ago, your sun-ruled sign has been undergoing a period of renovation and transformation. Change doesn't always happen at once. It often happens overtime, and I bet you're feeling the shift as we speak. And what's more, with Mercury in Leo forming an unnerving square with Jupiter in your fourth house of the family and core values, you're likely experiencing overwhelmed by demands and confused about all the stress lingering at home.
However, you should trust in the process, knowing that eventually, all the craziness will settle into place. You're on an upward climb, whether you realize it or not, and soon enough, you'll be able to make all the right decisions for yourself.
Sagittarius: You May Have Trouble Organizing Your Many Thoughts
This week, your mind might feel more like a whirlwind of confusion and chaos than a center for your cognitive functions. The last quarter moon occurs in your opposite sign, Gemini, and it could bring up confronting issues in your seventh house of partnerships. Remember that not every thought that passes through your head is worth listening to, and also, people don't always mean the hurtful things they say. If the universe is telling you to release negativity, don't ignore the universe's message.
Mercury, planet of communication, is also forming a square with Jupiter, your expansive ruling planet. This week, your thoughts may not necessarily reflect your truth. Find outlets to bring clarity to your feelings, but do not deny them. Pretending everything is perfect when they seem far from it is only a recipe for disaster.
Aquarius: You May Be Worried That You're Not Enjoying Life Enough
The total lunar eclipse in Aquarius that occurred last month launched one of the most revolutionary periods of growth that you've possibly ever experienced in your entire life. Although the brunt of the intensity has come and gone, there's a chance you're still feeling the ripples of the effects, especially since the eclipse will affect you for up to six months. Since the sun entered Virgo in your eighth house of reincarnation, it's only adding fuel to the fire of your transformation. And with the last quarter moon in Gemini reflecting its light in your fifth house of creativity and fun, there is one thing on your mind: "Am I living my life to the fullest?"
Expect this week to deliver you revelations about the way you're approaching happiness and enjoyment in life. Are you sabotaging your own happiness? Are you in touch with your own creativity? Allow yourself to come out of your shell a bit, and say "yes" to exciting prospects, even if they don't seem reasonable. The practical Virgo sun is here to guide you through the process.