The Most Difficult Truths To Accept In Your Early 20s, In Order To Make Them Count
The truth may hurt sometimes, but in the end, you come out so much stronger once you've made peace with it. Your 20s is full of blunt truths that come way out of left field, so you have to be prepped to expect the unexpected. You'll inevitably strike out a few times, but the hard truths to accept in your early 20s are really just a crucial part of your self-growth.
As you get older, you learn that someone's honest opinion isn't always the easiest to soak up. You'd rather deal with the aftermath of the truth than waste your time trying to untangle or believe a lie, though. The whole saying the "truth will set you free" is a motto to live by, especially during the monumental decade that is your 20s.
The sooner you come to terms with these truths, the quicker you can weed out the lessons in them. Your 20s is a decade full of being a passionate student in every course life puts you through. You'll still want to make every year count, because you only get to experience your 20s once. Learning to accept any of these nine truths in your 20s will really set you free and allow you to live your best life. You can do this.
01Drama Never Really Ends
You might feel like you do your best to steer clear of drama, but it always seems to maneuver its way back in your life somehow. Unfortunately, drama didn't end in high school, and it will always be there in some shape or form. The best thing you can do is not allow it to bring you down. Drama circulates because people allow it to impact their emotions and behavior. Don't be part of the cycle, and nip it in the bud from the get-go.
02A Degree Doesn't Automatically Ensure A Job
Post-grad life can be a tough time. You might be under the impression that your four-year degree is a pretty solid guarantee you'll secure your dream job. It doesn't always happen like that, though. After college, you'll still need to put in the work and climb the ladder to get where you want to be. Getting that degree was merely the beginning, and it's time to show the real world what you've got.
03Your Friends Will Disappoint You
You'll start determining what you value in and need from a friend. This will usually come after you've been disappointed by some of them a few times. Your friends may let you down, but you'll work things out for the better and decide who your true friends really are.
04Nothing Lasts Forever
Epic moments, trying times, and some relationships have expiration dates. Things don't last forever, and once you really come to terms with this concept, you'll start living life to the fullest. Youth has a way of making us believe things will last as long as we want them to, but they really don't. Now's the time to live in the moment, and soak it all up.
05You'll Fail At Times
Failure is that one "F" word no one wants to face when they're adulting. You don't want to be defeated, but failure is a stepping stone to your success. Knowing failure only makes your accomplishments that much sweeter. You just need to keep your head in the game.
06Not Everything Goes According To Plan
Your life, your say, right? Well, some things are out of your hands, and they'll come at you unexpectedly. If we were meant to blueprint our entire lives, we wouldn't be able to learn how to roll with the punches. Plans change with or without your consent, and you need to be able to accept and adjust when they do.
07It Doesn't Help To Dwell On The One Who Got Away
There's always that one who got away. Even if you wish you could be with them every day, they aren't going to poof back into your life. No one's saying to just get over them ASAP. You have a right to feel how you feel, but try not to stay plotted in the past so long. The present and the future have so much to offer you.
08Everyone's Journey Is Paced Differently
Did your friend just get married or traveled the world the entire summer? You might have major envy when scrolling through those epic life updates on social media, but don't start comparing. Your situation is not their situation. Everyone's life and the events that occur in them are not going at synchronized speeds. Live at your own pace.
09You May Have To Date Around Before Finding The One
Dating isn't always like the movies that give us major butterflies. You might have to go through a few frogs before you find your ultimate match. It may get discouraging at times, but your someone is waiting for you to get back out there and find them.
The worst thing you can do in your 20s is neglect truths that are going to give you so much clarity. Face these truths head-on, and it'll be the best thing you ever do.