
7 Chill Summer Date Ideas That'll Keep You Cool When You're Sweating Buckets

by Elana Rubin

You may prefer a specific season over another for your dating – and it's true, the four seasons have something special to offer in the dating department. Fall, you get pumpkin picking and apple cider drinking; winter, you can make spiked hot chocolate together and marathon a show you're both behind on; and spring, you can walk through gardens and make picnics on a sunny day. But figuring out summer date ideas when it's too hot and walking outside can be almost painful and a chore, so I've compiled some ideas for you. You're so welcome, reader.

Key things to keep in mind when figuring out a summer date: You don't want to sweat your whole face off. You don't want to soak your clothing – unless it's a bathing suit and you are in a body of water, or on a slip-n-slide. Frozen drinks and snacks are likely a must either before, after, or during the date, as are areas in which air-conditioning is a thing. If you want to be outside, go for anything in which water will be on or in your body (or preferably both!). Most importantly, you'll want to plan your date ahead of time so you're not unnecessarily in the heat for a period of time.

Get adventurous at a local water park.

Water parks are ideal for summer dates because you get to have some relief from the hot sun with cold water, you experience an adrenaline rush from the deep slide drops, and there are no distractions (read: cell phones) hogging your date's attention. You'll get to spend the time in line chatting with one another, then enjoy the twists and turns of the attractions together.

This kind of date is probably reserved for a second or third date, or someone you already know well, as it is typically a full-day activity.

Eat ice cream sundaes at your nearby parlor.

Have a tasty first date by meeting up for a casual scoop of ice cream. This is a playful way to get to know your date if you both enjoy sweets – see what they sample and ask their typical flavor go-to. Another perk to an ice cream date is it's non-committal: if you want to opt out after an hour, you can leave when you finish your treat. But if you want seconds? Hey, I'm not judgin'.

Show off how cultured you are at an art museum.

Impress your date by planning an afternoon for the two of you at an art museum. You'll feel cultured by learning a lot – and maybe showing off some of the knowledge you already do possess about art history – and maybe even get in some artsy photos to post on Instagram later, plus you'll cool off with the museum's air conditioning.

Make popsicles together.

For a cute indoor activity, get crafty and make some popsicles together. You can customize exactly what you both to go in – even alcohol and chunks of fruit. This Zoku Quick Pop Maker will have the treats ready in seven minutes, so you aren't waiting too long for your frozen snacks.

Be bookworms together.

Browse through the stacks of a local independent bookstore, showing each other what you're interested in and what you've read recently. Maybe even sit in a corner, and start a chapter of a book and start your own book club for just the two of you.

Sip on a glass of frosé.

If you want to be outdoors while you're cooling down, hit up a bar or restaurant that serves frosé – rosé blended with ice – for a delicious and cooling drink that'll relax your body and your nerves.

Dinner and a movie is cliché but whatever, it's fun.

Don't @ me, a dinner and a movie is a nice date idea, especially when it's too hot outside and you just need to be in air conditioning. You can grab a fast-casual bite before hitting up a movie, and then chat about what you saw together afterward. I know people usually hate on movie-watching as a date because you're not talking to each other, but sometimes not talking is just as important to see if you two are comfortable enough with one another in silence.

So have a great time and enjoy your summer romances.

This post was originally published on May 30, 2018. It was updated on Aug. 7, 2019 by Elite Daily Staff.