6 Reasons To Travel Abroad With Your Boyfriend Or Girlfriend In Your 20s

by Alani Vargas

Traveling can be many things: hectic, expensive, and definitely stressful. But with the right people or person beside you, all those troubles kind of just melt away. That's why there are some solid reasons to travel abroad with your boyfriend or girlfriend, because he or she will be the best person to make new memories with.

If you've been going strong for awhile now and really feel comfortable exploring a new step in your relationship together, why not plan a trip abroad? Europe, Asia, or wherever is going to be so much fun, and super gorgeous. Plus, your SO adds to the magic that awaits you in all of these gorgeous places.

It will definitely test certain aspects of your relationship — especially if you've never done a big trip like this before. Being with anyone for long periods of time can turn anyone on your bad side, but this trip will hopefully be a way to figure out how to deal with that. If it's always paradise in your relationship, learning how to navigate the annoying parts is super important as well. That, among many other things, is reason to travel with your partner now while you're in your 20s.

01You Are At Your Most Adventurous

Javier Pardina / Stocksy

When you're in your 20s, you're at the prime time to do just about anything — especially trying something new. Being adventurous may not seem as daunting to you now, as it might in a decade or so. Zip lining, trekking through Europe, and things like that are so great to do when you're in your 20s. What better time to go, and if your boo is also at this stage with you in life, odds are, they are just as down to do it as well. You'll make more memories when you're spontaneous and embracing new opportunities that come your way.

02Your Finances Are Probably Looking Pretty Great


While most college students are not sitting on piles of money, once you graduate and make a decent income, your bank account doesn't seem to look as shabby. If you've saved and are keeping up with loan and credit card payments, your finances may be at the best they've been (or at least good enough to swing a trip abroad). Plus, splitting things like Airbnbs and other expenses with your partner will cut the costs in half.

In a decade or so, you may have kids or more pets, which cost a bunch of money. The time is now, lovebirds.

03A Vacation Fits Perfectly Into Your Schedule

Thais Ramos Varela / Stocksy

Again, in your 20s, odds are, your responsibilities revolve around your work and your social life. And since your boyfriend or girlfriend is your social life (or makes up a huge chunk of it), going on a big trip with him or her will fit in perfectly with your schedule. Work can get hectic, of course, and depending on what you do, you may not have a ton of free time. But deciding to travel abroad and rearranging your work life will be easier now than it might be in the future.

04It's Prime Time To Start Checking Off Your Travel Bucket List


Now is the perfect time to start seeing all of the places you've always wanted to see. If you start now, you'll have a chance to actually see all your dream places before you know it. Plus, going with your boyfriend or girlfriend makes these new, yet coveted places, all the more memorable.

05It's The Best Time To Live In The Now


Instead of asking why go now when you're in your 20s, you should be asking why not now? Carpe diem, and go for it!

You have a great bae, you are at the prime of your life, and if you have the financial means, why aren't you already in Paris? We never truly realize how short life is until it's too late, so take every moment you can to do what you love with the people you love most.

Push yourself out of your comfort zone; maybe you're really anxious about traveling with your SO. You're asking yourself, what if we end up hating it or each other? What if something goes wrong? All these what-ifs are just stopping you from having a great time. JUST DO IT!

06You Learn So Much About Each Other


If you're going abroad, odds are, it will be for more than just a weekend, so prepare to really get to know your partner. Even if you live together, traveling is a whole other beast. It's been said that if you really want to get to know a person, you need to travel with them. You'll see how they deal with obstacles, how they handle social-related stress, and you'll get to know the little things they do. It's good for any healthy relationship and will definitely bring you closer. If you've been together a while, it will also feel like you're falling in love again, discovering new ticks and nuances you may not have been exposed to before.