The Travel Goals You Should Make This Summer If You're Totally Broke & Open To Anything

by Ciara Johnson

If you've got a serious case of wanderlust, you're not alone. We all dream of jetting off to far-flung destinations and having adventures of a lifetime. There's usually only one thing stopping us, and that's a lack of money. Some of us are broke AF and the struggle is real. There's no denying that traveling can be quite expensive, otherwise we'd all be taking flights. However, it's easy to forget that travel is still possible. There are definitely some attainable travel goals for the broke girl with a travel bug.

Traveling doesn't have to be a grand affair. As you scroll down your Instagram feed to see friends frolicking in Greece and Bali, it's natural to have a serious case of FOMO. After all, you'd be taking those same trips if you could afford to. It's important to remember that you can also have your own adventures with proper planning. You may have to hold off on seeing your bucket-list destination for now, but that doesn't mean you can't get a taste of the travel life. There are plenty of ways for you to see the world without spending your life savings. These travel goals are perfect for the girl who's determined to explore the world on a budget.

01Take A Weekend Trip


Sometimes you just don't have the time or the money to take a huge vacation. We get it, but don't be so quick to rule out weekend trips. You don't need to use all of your vacation days in order to see the world. Why not visit a nearby city or a state for the first time? If you wake up early and plan out your days, you can experience so much in so little time. Sometimes all it takes is a few days to make the most of a getaway and return feeling brand new.

02Take A Roadtrip With The Girls


Forget expensive flights and take a road trip. Get your girls together and you can split gas and food prices. Road trips are dope because you can be as spontaneous as you want. You can go as far as you'd like and stay somewhere as long as you'd like. Road trips are even better with friends, not to mention cheaper. You'll bypass many of the costs that come with a traditional vacation. Gas up the car and get going!

03 Go On A Beach Getaway

Beach getaways are ultimate #travelgoals and you can enjoy your own without overspending. There's no need to pay for pricey excursions because you can visit the beach for free. If you're feeling lazy, you can lounge one the beach. If you're feeling adventurous, you can go for a swim or snorkel. You can even pack snacks for the beach so that you don't have to pay restaurant prices. Gather you girls for a beach vacay.

04Have A Staycation


Many people forget to explore the beauty in their own backyard. Play tourist in your own city and take a "staycation." The great thing about this is that you don't have to pay outrageous prices for flights or hotels. You can spend a day or weekend traveling around your hometown. Hit up that museum that you've never visited, plan a picnic at the local park, or try out that new restaurant in town. We tend to think that the grass is always greener on the other side, but you can have an amazing adventure without going far.

05Go On A Backpacking Trip


Backpacking is the best way to see the world on a budget. Instead of paying for fancy hotels, you can stay in hostels and pay for budget destinations. You'll discover that travel isn't all about splurging. Ultimately, you'll be trading comfort for an low-cost travel experience. You'd be surprised to find out just how affordable backpacking trips can be. If you want to experience different cultures and meet new people without going broke, then backpacking is the way to go.

Travel doesn't have to be expensive. The girl who's broke AF can still see the world in her own way.