4 Joyful Mantras To Recite After Getting Engaged, Because It’s An Exciting Time

by Korey Lane

Getting engaged is just as much exciting and fun as it is a big step in a relationship. Whether it happens with someone on one knee and a hired photographer hiding behind a bush, or in a super private setting with just you and your partner, saying yes to spending the rest of your life together is one of the best feelings ever. But then comes wedding planning, and that is... less fun (albeit still exciting). Getting engaged is overwhelming for sure, but knowing mantras to recite after getting engaged might be able to help calm your nerves and help you manifest not just a happy engagement, but a happy future.

Reciting mantras is a great way to reaffirm those powerful truths about yourself. After you get engaged, it can be easy to get carried away with creating a thousand different Pinterest boards, creating accounts on every single wedding website there is, and putting together color schemes. Trust me, I've been there. Wedding planning can feel like an endless cycle of stress, high expectations, and unattainable floral arrangements. But at the end of the day, your engagement is about you and your fiancé, so keep these mantras in mind to remind you that you're not just planning a wedding, but really, a happy marriage.

I get to marry my best friend!

This is so important to remember after getting engaged. No matter how big of a wedding you're planning, or if you just want to elope, others' opinions will certainly get in the way at some point. But take the time to remind yourself that you're lucky enough to marry your best friend, and that's all that matters at the end of the day.

This is *our* day.

No matter what kind of wedding you want, you might have to deal with a lot of unwanted opinions from mothers, florists, cousins, and future in-laws. It's a lot to handle, but reciting the mantra, "This is our day," might help keep things in perspective. If you and your bae want donuts instead of cake, get donuts instead of cake. It's your wedding, not your future mother-in-law's older sister's half-cousin's. Never forget that.

We are going to be partners for life.

After you get engaged, you might find that that happy, rose-tinted glow might eventually wear off. That isn't to say that you'll fall out of love with your partner, only that reality will set back in. You'll argue, disagree, and even fight sometimes. It's totally normal, and the mantra, "We are going to be partners for life," is a great reminder that in those moments, don't sweat the small stuff. You two are in this for the long haul.

We're in love.

It's easy to get overwhelmed by the whole concept of engagement, and planning a wedding, and actually getting married and doing life! It's huge! So don't forget to remind yourself of why you're doing all this in the first place. Quite simply, you and bae are in love! Love started it all, folks, and chances are, there's probably no one else you'd rather be on this wild adventure with.

At the end of the day, that's the most important thing. It doesn't matter what kind of Save The Date cards you send out, or whether you get married in the spring or fall. You're in love with your partner, and that reassuring fact is often all it takes to calm down. Don't let getting engaged distract you from that.