4 Mantras That Will Get You Through A Rough Patch In Your Relationship

While being in love is awesome, relationships aren't just rainbows, sunshine, and heart emojis. Even the most perfect seeming relationship has it's ups and downs and it is totally normal for you and your partner to go through rough patches. Whether your issue is a trivial disagreement or a major problem, fighting with your partner is really unpleasant. It can be depressing, it can be distracting, and it can start to negatively affect other areas of your life. Here are a few mantras for relationship rough patches to help you navigate this situation.

In my experience, rough patches in relationship stem from arguments that can't be easily resolved. Finding yourself having the same fight over and over can be incredibly frustrating, and you might even find yourself forgetting what started this whole thing in the first place. Rough patches can reveal underlying incompatibilities with your partner, but they can also be opportunities for growth. The fact that you and your partner didn't just throw in the towel initially is a great indication that you have a deep connection worth fighting for. Learning how to clearly and honestly communicate is essential to any relationship, so even though rough patches are not fun, they can ultimately make your relationship better.

Speak Your Truth

Arguments with someone you love can be particularly frustrating, and if you and your partner have been going through a rough patch, you might feel like you've almost lost sight of what was right about your relationship in the first place. Be sure you know what's really in your heart and honestly share your feelings with your partner. If you're having a hard time articulating why you're upset or what's bothering you about your relationship, take some time to sit with yourself and sort it out. Honestly understanding your feelings and being able to communicate your truth to your partner could greatly help you two resolve your issues.

Listen To Your Partner

When you and your partner are in a rough spot, it can be very frustrating to have argument after argument, especially if the issues you're struggling with continue to be unresolved. Remind yourself to actually listen to your partner, even if you'd rather tune out their complaints or opinions. Truly listening to what they're saying can help you resolve your issues, or at least make your arguments more productive. Before speaking, actively rephrase what they said to make sure you understood them correctly.

Be Kind

While this might seem obvious, it's always important to remind yourself to be kind. No matter how frustrated, angry, or disappointed you are, try to be kind in your interactions with your partner. Fighting with your honey sucks, but fighting dirty makes it even worse, and nothing gets accomplished with harsh words or a mean attitude. If you're in a bit of a stand-off with your partner, a little kindness might just remind you two that what you have is worth fighting for.

Everything Will Be OK

While the thought of your relationship ending might seem like the worst case scenario, remind yourself that everything will be OK. If you break up — you will be OK. If you sort it out and stay together — you will be OK. Of course it can be hard to see the big picture when your relationship is in trouble, but remember that you can get through anything.

You're in control of your own happiness, and if your relationship isn't mean to be, the best thing you can do for yourself is to end it. Constantly arguing with your partner really is terrible, and it can be hard to remember the good parts of your relationship. But take a breath, repeat these mantras to yourself and whatever happens — you'll be OK.