31 Funny Vacation Captions For Instagram, Because You Want Vitamin Sea
Going on vacation is always such a treat. It's a much-needed break from work or school (or both, in some cases), and you get the chance to explore a city or country you may be completely unfamiliar with. You have the opportunity to immerse yourself in another place's culture — regardless of how close you are to home — and you can enjoy a sweet escape from your day-to-day routine. You're definitely going to be taking a lot of photos as you make your way through your vacation destination, so you'll need some funny vacation captions for Instagram to show off your sense of humor, in addition to your gorgeous pics.
Whether you and your besties are rocking your best resting beach faces, or your love for camping is in-tents, your followers will love seeing you live your best life on vacay. (And of course, who doesn't love a punny caption showing up on their feed?) You're enjoying yourself while you're away, and you want to bring your followers on your trip with you.
So keep your camera out and snap as many pics as you possibly can. Don't forget to leave a gem of a funny caption below your pic so you can share your wanderlust-y joy with all.
1. "BRB, going to soak up some vitamin sea."
2. "Eiffel in love in Paris."
3. "Girls just want to have sun."
4. "Forever wandering where the WiFi is weak."
5. "You told me it was Chile in South America. But I don’t Bolivia."
6. "Jet lag is for amateurs." — Dick Clark
7. "All I want is someone to look at me the way I look at a travel brochure."
8. "Don't you know that it's bad manners to keep a vacation waiting?"
9. "Reality called, so I hung up."
10. "I mean, I'm just China have a good time."
11. "Rome stole a pizza my heart."
12. "Catch flights, not feelings."
13. "Wanderlust has the passport to my heart."
14. "Let's taco 'bout going to Mexico."
15. "The only person I'd share my apple cider doughnuts with."
16. "My love for camping is in-tents."
17. "Bae took one for the team and let me have the window seat."
18. "The only thing I love more than traveling is eating. So why not do both at the same time?"
19. "Beach, please."
20. "Work, save, travel, repeat."
21. "Thank you for always putting my suitcase in the overhead bins." (This one is cute for a picture of your bae.)
22. "If traveling were free, I'd probably never come home."
23. "An adventure a day keeps the doctor away."
24. "Selfies or vacation didn't happen."
25. "Buy the flight. Think later."
26. "Lost at sea? I'm not shore."
27. "Wining and dining my way around the world."
28. "Travel, because money returns. Time doesn't."
29. "This is my resting beach face."
30. "Life is a beach, I'm just playin' in the sand." ― Lil Wayne, "Right Above It"
31. "Watch more sunsets than Netflix."