20 Cute Captions For Your Sister's Birthday, Because She's A Star & Deserves The Best
There are few people in the world who mean as much to you as your sister does. She's one of the best parts of your life, and you would do anything to make her happy, especially on her birthday. Her birthday is not just a celebration for her — it's for you, too, because it means you get to show the world just how much you care about her. No matter what you do to commemorate the special day, you'll definitely take a ton of pics, so you'll need some cute captions for your sister's birthday so you can update your feed.
You might throw her a surprise party, bake her a gorgeously decorated cake, or shower her in presents. You might invite your family from all over the country to come into town, or you could just do something for the two of you. Regardless of how big or small the birthday celebration is, your sis will be so appreciative because she knows that you put a lot of effort into making her special day, well, extra special.
So live it up and take tons of pics. Your sister is one of the coolest people around, and she deserves a birthday just as amazing as she is.
1. "I smile because you're my sister, I laugh because there's nothing you can do about it."
2. "So, sis, it's your birthday. That's kind of a big dill. I was in a bit of a pickle thinking about what to get you. I was gherkin on it for quite a while. I hope you relish it."
4. "Sending this selfie to NASA, because we're stars."
5. "Happy Birthday to my favorite person."
6. "Sisters share childhood memories and grown-up dreams."
7. "Happy birthday, si-STAR."
8. "I'm a spark and you're a boom." — Troye Sivan, "Cool"
9. "You're another year older, but you doughnut look it."
10. "You may be as different as the sun and the moon, but the same blood flows through both your hearts. You need her, as she needs you..." — George R.R. Martin
11. "May your birthday be filled with puns, champagne, and so much love."
12. "A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves – a special kind of double." — Toni Morrison
13. "I'll sting it from the rooftops all day today — happy bee-day!"
14. "Sisters function as safety nets in a chaotic world simply by being there for each other." — Carol Saline
15. "I love you to pizzas. Happy birthday, sister."
16. "Our roots say we're sisters, our hearts say we're friends."
17. "Sis, you're dino-mite. You're rex-ceptional. You're the (tricera)tops. I love you, happy birthday!"
18. "The best thing about having a sister was that I always had a friend." — Cali Rae Turner
19. "In the cookies of life, sisters are the chocolate chips."
20. "A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life." — Isadora James