13 Must-Have Experiences You Should Buy In Your 20s, Instead Of A New Couch

by Jasmine Vaughn-Hall

Life is one big experience. When you hit your 20s, though, you start getting pulled in the direction of your responsibilities. It isn't totally a bad thing, but you don't want to get so wrapped into adulting that you forget life's zest. Amazing experiences to buy in your 20s are chances for you to just wing it and let loose.

Sure, you could make a list of all the things you have to spend your money on. But let's be real — you like the list of things want to spend it on better. It's OK to invest a little fun in your 20s, because it's those moments of splurging a bit that you will always remember.

You don't want to simply work to pay bills. Yeah, money is great, but the best way to reward yourself for making a living is to actually live in the moments that seriously make you feel alive. Whether it's a lifelong bucket list item or something you want to do in the spur of the moment, your 20s is the best time to do it. You know what your deepest desires are, but these 13 experiences may need to be part of the mix as well.

01Rent A Sick Venue For Your Birthday


In your 20s, you need that one birthday party that was off the charts. Most people assume it should be 21, but 25 is an even better time to throw an outlandishly huge function. Invest in yourself and the lovely day you were born.

02Knock Skydiving Off Your Bucket List


You've been talking about it for years. You know, reclaiming your appreciation for life by jumping thousands of feet out of an airplane. Skydiving is invigorating, and it's just the energy boost you need when you're in your 20s. Think about the pics you can get for the 'Gram!

03Invest In A Cruise For You And Your Parents

Daxiao Productions/Stocksy

Put a deposit down for you and your parents to go on a cruise. Not only are you showing how much of an adult you are, but they'll love the time with you. Think of how much they've shelled out for all of your family vacays back in the day. You kind of owe them.

04Lease A Convertible And Cruise


Renting a fancy car for the day or the weekend will be such a glamorous experience, especially if it's your favorite color. Expect to get looks and stares, but you deserve to be the center of attention every once in awhile. Also, take pics or it didn't even happen.

05Go Horseback Riding On The Beach

Kevin Torres/Stocksy

Horseback riding on the beach will be one unforgettable experience. You'll never see the beach in the same way. If you happen to be in a relationship, this would be a top-notch date.

06Learn A New Language


Learning a new language is an experience you can take with you forever. It might not be easy, but the more time you invest in it, the more fluent you'll become. Knowledge may come with a price, but it turns out to be pretty priceless in the long run. After you learn the language, you will really enjoy visiting a new country!

07Book A Celebrity-Vouched Beauty Treatment


You know how you hear about those high-end beauty regimes the celebrities use? Try one that your favorite celebrity swears by. You might not ever be famous, but you can partake in the celebrity lifestyle for a bit.

08Take An Italian Cooking Course In Italy


The best way to get to know a country is through the food. Taking a cooking course in Italy will really open your eyes to the culture. Diversity is key, so it's time to unlock something new.

09Go On A Tropical Vacation With Your Day Ones


The palm trees and sandy beaches are calling your name. You and your BFFs know how to vacay like it's no one's business. It's about time to put your money towards a tropical getaway that'll be worth every cent. It's the perfect time in your life for ultimate memories with your girls.

10Volunteer In Another State Or Country


Yeah, you might have to pay your way so that you can volunteer your time, but you'll get so much more in return. Luckily, giving is a universal language. You'll be so fulfilled by the experience, it won't seem like you spent a dime.

11Spring For Front Row Seats To Your Favorite Team's Game


Basketball fan? You need to hook yourself up with courtside or box seats to your team's game. You haven't really seen your team play until you add that lavish touch.

12Plan On Moving To Your Dream City


You deserve to see what living in your dream city would be like. If not, you will always wonder what would have happened if you did. It might be scary and lonely at first, but funding your dream is never a lost cause.

13You Need That Balayage You've Been Wanting To Do


Your hair is your crown, and if you want to give it the royal treatment for once, go right ahead. It's fun to experiment with different styles and see what potential a professional can enhance. You need another reason to hair flip.

Money can always be made, so don't be ashamed to put your earnings towards something unforgettable. You're not going to remember every dollar and cent from your 20s, but you won't be able to forget what you did with them.