10 Exciting Things To Do On A First Date If You Want To Impress Your Date
Planning a first date can be fraught with anxiety. Do you go for the classic drinks and dinner date? Or instead, do you mix it up by thinking of things to do on a first date that are more exciting and original? Personally, I always vote for the latter. For one, you'll impress your date by standing out from the cocktail and coffee crowd, but more importantly, even if it doesn't turn into a second date, you'll have had fun while it lasted.
Some of the best dating advice I’ve gotten is to always be in the moment while you’re on a date. Worrying too much about what happens afterward is the best way to ruin a date that's going well. But how do you stop yourself from going there — especially if you like them? Well, I have a pretty simple trick: I plan dates that are unique and adventurous. If you have enough fun on the date, you won't need to sweat the "after" because they'll be so impressed that they're dying for a second round. But more importantly, you can’t ever feel like you've wasted your time with someone if you're too busy having a blast. Here are 10 exciting first date ideas to get you started.
1. Have A Board Game Tournament At A Coffee Shop
Board games are a seriously underrated date option. They are interactive, fun, and encourage you to work together. Find a local coffee shop that rents them out and brace yourself for a super fun date.
2. Spend A Day At The Racetrack
Want to really get your blood pumping on your first date? How about a day out betting on the ponies. Plus, if you pick a winner, you can afford a fancy dinner to celebrate.
3. Ride Some Roller Coasters At A Nearby Amusement Park
Studies have shown that heightened levels of general arousal translate to greater sexual attraction. Plus, you'll have plenty of time to get to know one another while you wait in the long lines.
4. Organize A Private Brewery Tour Or Whiskey Tasting
Anyone can grab a drink at the bar, but something way more exciting is a private brewery tour or whiskey tasting.
5. Spring For The Good Seats At Their Favorite Team’s Game
If you've ever been to a game, you know there's so much energy behind actually being in the stadium. It’s exciting, there's a feeling of camaraderie, and they bring the beer right to your seats — all of which make for a great date. Plus, if you spring for some really great seats, your date will be doubly impressed.
6. Embrace Your Inner Child With A Date At A Trampoline Park
Why so serious? Have some fun with your date and show 'em your best bouncy moves with a trip to a trampoline park.
7. Fill Your Pocket With Quarters For The Local Arcade
Arcades are making a comeback in a big way, and many of them are even attached to a bar. Just think of how hot you will look in the glow of the Asteroids' light.
8. Get The Secret Password To A Nearby Speakeasy
Yes, speakeasies still exist, and there is something really sexy about getting a drink in a secret bar. Bonus points for having an excuse to wear something extra sexy and sparkly, because most of these hot spots have a dress code.
9. Get Weird Together At A Local Oddity
Want to do something a bit more unexpected? Check out Atlas Obscura for locations and venues nearest you that are more offbeat. Then, embrace you inner weirdos together.
10. Show Off Your Indoor Sports Skills
Challenge your date to an indoor sports triathlon with games such as bowling, skee-ball, pool, or indoor mini-golf. Best date ever.
I don’t know about you, but any of these first dates would impress the hell out of me.
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