Oh, myths. You believe them because you've heard them so often that they must be factual, right? That couldn't be more wrong. As a freshman, you should go into your first year of college with a fresh perspective — and debunking myths about college will send you on your way with an open mind. (Clutter-free is the way to be, am I right?)
Most myths are told to you because the person on the other end likely thinks they'll help you in some way. It's just like when your parents told you that you shouldn't make those silly faces, or someday it would get stuck like that. You believed your parents were doing you a solid, but in actuality, they really just needed you to smile more in photos. Can you really blame them for wanting to share those adorable wallet-sized pics with their coworkers, though?
These days, you're going to have enough to carry across campus and back to your dorm, so leave the myths behind before you leave your hometown. They'll only clutter your thoughts and make you feel like you need to adhere to unrealistic guidelines about college. Don't let these 10 myths influence your college career before it even starts.
01You Should Be BFFs With Your Roomie
On the one hand, you might end up being forever friends with your roomie. On the other hand, don't fret if you're not super close with them. Just because you live together doesn't mean you have to do literally everything together. It's all part of the college experience, and you'll find your crew of people.
02Having An Undecided Major Is Taboo
You don't need to know your major the second you apply to college. Don't let anyone convince you that that's the protocol. You'll decide the right career path when you're ready, and it just might come out of a class you fall in love with or a dream internship you land.
03You Should Know Who You Are By The Time You Graduate
As much as college is going to mold you, the finished product doesn't mean you're done growing. You're going to learn a lot about yourself during those four years of your life. If anything, you learn that you should never stop discovering who you are and adding to your bucket list of goals.
04Everyone Graduates In Four Years
Trust me, the four-year plan doesn't apply to everyone. Pace your own journey, and don't make finishing a competition. Take your time, and do what's right for you.
05These Are The Most Important Years Of Your Life
Of course, these years are so important and exciting, but there's no way of telling whether or not they will hail most important over the others that are yet to come. You're just getting started, and the future is still unknown.
06The First Year Is The Hardest
If you go into your first year anticipating it to be really hard, it's going to be hard. Your freshman year is going to be the sponge phase. You're going to absorb everything you need to know to make the year run smoothly since this is likely your first time out on your own.
07College Is Just Like The Movies
Your favorite romantic comedies depicting college are so worth watching on Netflix, but don't try to make your experience just like them. They are movies meant to be watched on girls' night in with your besties, but your life and college career are only meant to appease one viewer and participant: you.
08Study Every Chance You Can Get
You aren't going to be in crunch mode all of the time. You'll know when it's time to study, but you should have an equal balance of other things, too. If your nose is always in the books and nothing else, your college career is going to fly by without you noticing.
09Everyone Else Is Adulting And Not Calling Back Home
You're a new fish in the pond that is college, but don't dub yourself as "too young" to really be crushing this adulting lifestyle. You also aren't any less of an adult if you call your folks for advice or just to check in.
10Once You Have A Major, You're Bound To That Field Forever
Your major is going to be printed on your degree when you graduate. It doesn't define every move you make from that point moving forward, though. You never know, your major could be a stepping stone, but you just might end up in a completely different field.
Be open to advice, but shut out the myths. Your college narrative is just beginning, and it's time to write a story you're so happy with.