I really love to shop. It used to be really bad, but I've gotten a hold of myself a bit more as I've matured. I've reigned it in so I'm not as impulsive. However, the holiday season brings back this love in full force, and I just have to fully embrace it. If you do tend to go overboard (meaning you kill your spirit as soon as the gift-giving haze clears and you check your bank account), then an easy way to keep yourself in check is to go smaller and cheaper. This year, cheap stocking stuffers for adults aka your friends (I mean, we're all sort of adults now, right?) is the way to go.
Stockings are a Christmas tradition and giving something small and meaningful will save your wallet and your sanity. Even if you or your friends aren't celebrating Christmas, the idea of buying something small will stop you from spending too much, which is especially helpful when you have a ton of people to buy for. Lucky for you, the gift-giver, stores are one step ahead of you. There is often a stock stuffer section at Target or Macy's and if you are creative enough, you can probably find a way to roll up a larger gift to fit in an actual stocking. But if you'd rather buy something a little more unique than what you'll spot at good 'ole Target, the internet is your BFF.
01 A Super Soft Hand-Made Scarf
Shibori Scarf, $20.00, GlobeIn
Even if you're not in a super chilly climate this year (#lucky), everyone can still appreciate and wear a cute scarf. This one is great, because it fits the bill. And the best part? This one is hand-made by women in India, and buying one also benefits them, which is absolutely fabulous.
02A Kick-Ass Shirt For Your Kick-Ass Friend
SHETHORITY "We Got Your Back" T-Shirt, $24.99, Represent
Shopping with a conscience is just as important as shopping with your credit card. So why not buy a dope gift and also give back to people who need it? The SHETHORITY brand is the brainchild of Caity Lotz and the rest of the badass women of the DCTV world. The products in this collection benefit Girls, Inc and the SHETHORITY movement.
03A Cute Coin Purse
Bright Spot Coin Purse, $7.00, GlobeIn
Your friend deserves something cute as well as useful, and that's where this mini wallet comes in. You can even stick little gifts inside the purse before you put it in the stocking for a double surprise.
04A Crafting Gift of The CUTEST Animals
DIY Needle Felted Miniature Animal Kit, $25.00, Etsy
If your friend loves DIY projects and small, fluffy animals, buy them this mini animal making kit. You get your choice of any two animals from their massive selection, and they send you tiny packets with everything you need to DIY the project. It's sure to make your bestie squeal with joy upon opening.
05A Tote With An Important Reminder
We Are A Choir Tote, $16.00, My Sister
From the brilliant mind of Amber Tamblyn, this collection of shirts and totes hold so much meaning and also sends 25 percent of the proceeds to GEMS, which helps girls who are victims of sexual exploitation and trafficking. And totes are so useful, so your friend will be thanking you forever for this one.
06Personalized Cooking Spoons For Your Chef Friend
Personalized Wooden Spoons, $6.99 each, Etsy
Even if you only cook for fun, these spoons are to die for! And giving a personalized present is the icing on the cake! You can choose from a ton of different icons for the round part of the spoon and you can even add their name and a quote in the handle. Adorable, we know.
07A Necklace For Your Musically Inclined Friend
Silver French Horn Necklace, $13.95, Etsy
This one might be personal, but I find that anything resembling the French horn that's cute and fashionable is hard to come by, so this will be perfect for your friend who either loves the instrument or possibly played it (because we do exist). The company also has a ton of other musical instrument necklaces, so you can choose the perfect one for your friend.
08A Cute AF Keychain
Leather Tassel Key Ring, $19.00+, Etsy
Keychains are perfect for stockings and this one is the cutest! Super trendy and chic, the leather tassels come in multiple colors and can come with or without a clasp. It's so adorable and looks like it's more expensive than it is, which is always a plus when trying to save money.
09Adorable Punny Socks (WITH OTTERS!)
My Otter Half Socks, $12.00, Sock It To Me
Everyone needs socks. It's just a fact. And while it's a running joke that receiving socks on Christmas is the worst thing ever, when your friend opens these frickin' cute otter socks, they're going to be happy. How can you be mad about otters with hearts? You can't, it's probably scientifically impossible.
10A Charger For The Star Wars Nut

Star Wars Millennium Falcon Micro-USB Charging Cable, $14.99, ThinkGeek
The Millennium Falcon is a classic symbol of the Star Wars world and makes a perfect gift in the form of a charging cable. This one lights up while plugged in and it's the coolest thing to get your friend. This is definitely the Android accessory you were looking for this holiday season.