WTF? TV Show Lies To Girl And Tells Her She's Reuniting With Her Mom (Video)
There are funny pranks, and then there are pranks like the one this Cambodian TV show pulled.
On Mother's Day, 13-year-old Autumn Allen took to the "Penh Chet Ort" (Like It Or Not) stage to perform.
While she was on the stage, the show's hosts told Autumn they'd managed to get in touch with her mother, whom the young girl hadn't seen in years. They even told the girl they were going to reunite her and her mother -- something poor Autumn said would be a “dream come true.”
But when they called out Autumn's mother, someone else came to the stage: cross-dressing Cambodian comedian Chuop Rolin.
The poor girl shed a tear while the hosts laughed and asked if she seriously thought they found her mother.
And though Autumn later posted a message on Facebook saying she didn't think myTV (the network that OK'd the prank) meant any harm, the network sent her a letter of apology.
Still, the show's stunt seriously pissed off a lot of people for reasons ranging from the obvious cruelty of the stunt, to the decision to use a man in drag (traditionally an LGBTQ symbol) in the joke.
All in all, this was in extremely bad taste.
See the video below.
Citations: This Talk Show Tricked A 13 Year Old Into Thinking She Would Be Reunited With Her Estranged Mom (BuzzFeed)