Brave Muslims In Norway Look To Form Human Wall To Protect Synagogue
In the wake of violence, a group of Norwegian Muslims will stand together to protect their Jewish compatriots.
After Saturday's attacks at a free speech debate in Copenhagen, Denmark, leaving a film director and synagogue guard dead, the Washington Post reports a group of Oslo locals hope to form a ring around the city's synagogue this upcoming Saturday.
They'll be a physical manifestation of the Muslim community's dedication to remaining "above hate."
Incredibly, the event was put together by Hajrad Arshad, a 17-year-old activist.
She was told she'd need at least 30 attendees, but her idea since took on a life of its own. Invitations have been accepted by the hundreds.
More than 900 people RSVPed to the symbolic act of nonviolence, which will demonstrate the Muslim population's dedication to keeping its religious fellows safe from violence and antisemitism.
Jewish community leader Ervin Kohn told The Local,
What they are communicating is that if anyone wants to do anything against Jews in Norway, they have to go through us first, and I think that is very positive.
Peace starts with the youngest of us, and Arshad plans to set an example for the rest of the world.
Citations: Norwegian Muslims will form a human shield around an Oslo synagogue (Washington Post)