
Woman Caught Her Super Sniffing And Stealing Her Underwear On Camera (Video)

by Eitan Levine

A New York City apartment super who was caught sniffing the underwear of some lady from a building he was in charge of is temporarily out on bond.

You can go ahead and never not feel creeped out ever again now.

Ashley Chase first knew something was up when she returned home from Labor Day Weekend last year to find one of her bras missing, a pretty common event that probably wouldn't have triggered any red flags if not for more and more of her undergarments going AWOL over time.

During the course of a year, the Manhattan-based financial analyst recorded three pairs of panties, a bra and a bikini top all mysteriously vanishing without any trace.

Chase decided to take matters into her own hands and tried to figure out what was happening. She knew it had to be someone from the inside, so she borrowed an old iPhone from her sister, downloaded Presence -- an app that automatically turns on the phone's camera when its motion detector is activated -- and set it up in her hallway before leaving for Labor Day Weekend of this year.

It took all of 10 minutes to catch building super, José Cedillo -- who knew Chase was leaving because the pair rode the elevator together on her way out -- snagging a pair of undies from her drawer and taking a big ol' nasty whiff.

Chase told New York Post,

I don't want to think what he was doing, but everyone has theories — and I'm sure not good.

Chase called the cops, and Cedillo was arrested for burglary as a sexually motivated felony and petit larceny. He immediately fessed up to snatching the panties and, according to Chase's lawyer, will be going to jail.

Cedillo is currently out on a $50,000 bond.

If for some weird reason you want to watch the video Chase captured, here it is. Knock yourself out.