Joe Biden Gushing About His Daughter Will Make You Wish He Was Your Dad
Former Vice President Joe Biden was in New York City on Tuesday night supporting his daughter Ashley.
Ashley Biden launched a project, the Livelihood Collection, a line of hoodies exclusive to Gilt.
Gilt is donating 100 percent of net proceeds from the hoodies to Biden's Livelihood, which is dedicated to helping communities at the local level, starting with Biden's hometown of Wilmington, Delaware.
As New York Fashion Week kicks off, Gilt x Livelihood hosted an event in Tribeca. The former vice president, as well as Dr. Jill Biden, were in attendance.
Joe Biden told Elite Daily he's most proud of his daughter's "integrity." He explained,
My daughter took to heart what my father said: Everyone is entitled to be treated with dignity. She's never, ever, ever, once in her life, not done that. Never once. And that's what I love about her.
Biden went on to praise his daughter in an introductory speech about her during the event. He said Ashley, along with his sons Hunter and Beau, who died in 2015, are "better than me," which is a signal to him that he did a good job as a father.
Biden spoke about his daughter's initiative, espousing some advice along the way. He said,
A purpose-driven life is a life that will make you extremely happy.
Biden said over the course of her life, Ashley was able to travel around the world and meet a variety of people, thanks to her father's position.
He said the people who impressed her most were "the active, committed civic leaders," who were there every day taking care of communities. These people helped show her "one person can make a difference."
Biden said,
We believe, and I hope you do, that ordinary people, given an opportunity -- and I'm giving my word as a Biden, I mean this in every fiber of my being -- when ordinary people are given opportunity, they can do extraordinary, extraordinary things. Extraordinary things. This is all about giving folks an opportunity.
After her father's introduction speech, Ashley spoke about the work that went into her initiative. She thanked a variety of people who helped her along the way, which included her family.
She broke into tears talking about her family, especially when she spoke of her recently deceased brother, Beau, and their closeness.
Ashley said Joe and Jill taught her "to do what I'm passionate about, to keep going when I'm knocked down." She said about her parents,
They taught me all they know about kindness, compassion and making this world a better place. And I love you, with all my heart.
The audience was rapt as the Bidens spoke about their love and respect for each other. It was truly warming to see.