
Twitter Destroys Trump For Saying Anything 'Negative' About Him Is 'Fake News'

by John Haltiwanger

President Donald Trump continued his war against the media on Monday morning via Twitter.

He tweeted,

Any negative polls are fake news, just like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the election. Sorry, people want border security and extreme vetting. I call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it. Some FAKE NEWS media, in order to marginalize, lies!

The President of the United States essentially just said any negative news about him is fake, which sounds like something straight out of a manual for authoritarians.

This is not only absurd, it's dangerous.


By Trump's logic, people can claim any information they don't like is wrong because they say so.

So, following his lead, next time I have a negative bank balance, I will simply inform the bank it's "FAKE NEWS."

Furthermore, I will let them know I "call my own shots," and I'm actually a billionaire. I'm sure they'll correct the mistake immediately.

President Trump is setting records for unpopularity.

Trump is likely reacting to the fact he has the lowest approval rating of any new president in modern US history.


It took him just eight days to reach a majority disapproval rating (51 percent).

Comparatively, it took George W. Bush, who is considered to be one of the worst presidents in US history, three years to reach a majority disapproval rating.

The president is also clearly upset and frustrated about the opposition to his controversial travel ban, and he's lashing out.

Trump's attacks on the media are unsettling and illogical, and his tweets prompted swift criticism and ridicule on social media.

Twitter ripped into Trump over his "FAKE NEWS" tweets.


It's hard to think of another president who was more anti-fact and anti-media than Donald Trump.

A free press is essential to the health of every democracy.

It is not normal for the POTUS to attack the media like this, and it's very concerning.