
5 Ways Women Will Be The First To Benefit From Hillary's Economic Plan

by Jenny Q. Ta

As a successful woman entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experience on Wall Street, I'm a strong believer in the ability of women to lead in male-dominated areas.

As our country looks to select its next president — and as we look to other countries that have already put women presidents in office such as Argentina, Germany, Brazil and Korea — it's time that we too have a woman leading our nation. If you really break down the details in Hillary Clinton's economic plan, you'll see that there are several key areas women entrepreneurs should be excited about.

Here are a few:

1. Major tax relief for small businesses and the middle class.

Clinton promises to rebuild a healthy middle class and help small businesses. She wants to close the loopholes that are being used by the wealthy. She wants to require that earners of more than $1 million pay a 30 percent tax rate (following the Buffet Rule).

The middle class will not see any tax increases (ie, the people making less than $250,000 a year). She hopes to be the “small business president” by reducing federal, state and local compliance costs. She wants to provide tax relief and cut the red tape in order to allow growth.

It's important we reduce taxes on small businesses, as they help our communities thrive.

2. Encourages women to enter the workforce.

Clinton knows the barriers women with families face when they enter the workforce. This lack of childcare and maternity leave makes it harder for women to break the glass ceiling.

We can't be the most powerful country in the world if we don't support one of the most significant groups in our country. Hilary's Expanded Childcare Plan would make preschool more accessible for low-income families, as well as guarantee up to 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave.

As a businesswoman, I see the imperative need for these plans. I believe we need more strong female business leaders and owners. This plan would encourage more women to continue pursuing their careers, even after they have families.

3. A brighter future for students.

We're seeing millions of American students graduate from college with an average of $28,950 in student loan debt and no promised future. When we hinder our future generation, we all pay for the consequences.

College graduates are struggling to pay off their student loans. In turn, they're unable to invest in their futures.

Hilary plans to reward four-year public colleges and universities if they prevent students from taking out loans. They will also receive a portion of $175 billion in grants if they agree to end budget cuts, decrease tuition and increase spending on higher education.

Investing in our future generation will give us great economic gains.

4. Expanded employment opportunities.

Hilary is a huge advocate of expanding employment opportunities. Her goal is to create well-paying jobs by investing in infrastructure and clean energy, as well as scientific and medical research.

She would provide “incentives for corporations that invest in employees, and strip tax benefits from companies that move jobs overseas.” Her aggressive plan will increase the minimum wage and improve benefits for workers, all while giving companies an incentive to share their profits with their employees.

There's no more time to waste when it comes to building up the workforce.

5. Lowered health care costs.

As I grew up on welfare, I understand the struggles many Americans face. Health care is expensive, and even with Obamacare, a decent health plan still costs a lot of money. By lowering health care costs, we'd give every American the chance to have a quality health care plan.

These people would finally be able to receive the treatment and medication they need at a fair price. We're one of the richest nations in the world, and we still have such huge health care inequalities. Improved health care plans will facilitate a thriving nation.

Of course, as November draws near, it's important every woman does her research in order to understand where each candidate stands. Understand their goals before you cast your vote.

Our nation needs more informed and empowered women. Let's exercise our rights.