
Savage Parents Come Up With Epic Tooth Fairy Scheme To Get Son To Do Chores


There's no rulebook for being a parent. You just have to do your very best and hope you get lucky.

Parenting is extremely hard. But no one ever said it has to be boring.

I mean, you literally spend all your time with this small person that you made, who knows nothing about how the world works. You could straight up tell your kid that World War II was a war between humans and anti-Semitic unicorns, and he or she would just have to take your word for it.

One couple decided to have a little fun with their kid regarding a recently lost tooth and the tooth fairy. Oh, and by “have a little fun,” I of course mean "brutally torment their beloved child with the threat of a supernatural, nocturnal tooth ripping out all his molars while he sleeps."

That kind of fun.

Check out their amazing text exchange, which the husband put on Imgur. This was presumably done in order to make it easier for social workers to find them when the kid locks himself in the closet, with his hands clasped over his mouth for three days straight.


She pulled out all the stops, making the tooth fairy's corporate letter look as official and bureaucratically intimidating as possible.


I sincerely hope to have a marriage this good someday.
