
MMA Fighter Posts Devastating Video About Drunk Driving After Son's Death

by Oliver McAteer

MMA fighter Marcus Kowal posted a heart-wrenching video on his Facebook page after his baby was killed in a drunk driving incident.

Kowal, who lives in California, said goodbye to his 15-month-old boy three days after he was hit by a vehicle on Hawthorne Boulevard in LA at around 4 pm on Sunday.

In the video, he says,

It's been about 4 hours since I left the hospital where I said goodbye to my 15-month baby for the last time. Three days ago, he got hit by a drunk driver. I am not a paid actor, this is not a commercial -- this is reality. All I can say is don't drink and drive, don't let a friend drink and drive. Please.

Just hours before Kowal recorded the video, he posted an emotional picture on Facebook.

It shows him holding his dying baby's hand. He wrote,

Good night bebisen, you'll always be with us. Pappa älskar dig.

In a separate post on Sunday, Kowal, who is from Sweden, thanked friends, family and fans for their support.

He wrote,

I want to thank everyone who has been there for us, in all forms and shapes. Thoughts, prayers, in person - whatever. We've received 100s and 100s of txt messages, emails, fb messages, etc - we are blown away. Your support means the world to us. About an hour ago, our baby was declared brain dead. He tried to fight so hard. He even died at one point but they brought him back. He's a little fighter. His heart is still beating but his brain is no longer working.

He continued,

Our hearts are broken and there's a void in my soul but we will get through this.Again, your support means the world and I wish we could respond to each and every one of you but right now, we are going work through this. RIP Liam Mikael Kowal.
Hawthorne Police Department

Donna Marie Higgins, 72, has been arrested on suspicion of drunk driving.