Cruise Company Will Pay You To Quit Your Job And Take Vacation Instagram Pics
So the holidays happened, you had fun with your family, enjoyed your time off — now it's back to reality.
That's when you remember you don't even like your job that much. You'd much rather be doing something us like — oh, I don't know — traveling and taking dope pictures so you can stunt on Instagram and get paid while doing it.
Well what a coinkydink! Turns out, a cruise company is willing to give you the opportunity to do just that.
This isn't just any cruise company, though. This is Royal Caribbean we're talking about, and it posted a message through its UK Instagram calling for someone to take a three-week "intern-ship."
Per Royal Caribbean's site, your responsibilities for that period of time will be "finding and documenting the extraordinary on a daily basis via Instagram," while traveling through different regions, including New York, the Caribbean, Asia and the Mediterranean.
Your compensation? £3,000, which is worth about $3,700.
Anyway, bet you're wondering how to apply, aren't you? Well, we've got you covered there. BUT FIRST, there's a couple of things we should note:
Now, this opportunity doesn't require you to somehow have 10 years of experience for an entry level position like all the other stupid jobs you applied for when you graduated from college, but there are some serious qualifications you need to have.
For instance, one requirement that Royal Caribbean lists is — wait, let me put on my glasses — ah, "own a smartphone." Very tough, indeed.
Here's another doozy: "Skilled in Instagram with extensive knowledge of all 23 filters."
But seriously, practically every millennial is qualified to do this "job," so check it out. Even if you like your job, you can just do what I'm about to do: apply and use your vacation days to take the cruises.
Applicants must be 21 or older and post their most extraordinary travel photo or short video on Instagram, tagging @RoyalCaribbeanUK and #ExtraordinaryExplorer. The last day to apply is January 31.
Who knows? Pretty soon you could be toasting to the good life and a good intern-ship (that was the last time, I promise).
Citations: Best job in the world? Professional holidaymaker wanted to post just three Instagram pictures a day from FREE cruises around the world (with salary equivalent to £52,000 a year) Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4087376/Best-job-world-Professional-holidaymaker-wanted-post-just-three-Instagram-pictures-day-FREE-cruises-world-salary-equivalent-52-000-year.html (MailOnline), THE ROYAL CARIBBEAN EXTRAORDINARY 'INTERN-SHIP' (Royal Caribbean)