8 Ways To Seamlessly Transition From College Freedom To Corporate Life
Entering the white-collar workplace from the classroom may not be the smoothest of transitions.
For those of us who choose the cubicle life, we often begin with some form of employee orientation that teaches us the standard guidelines of working in the office. However, there are unspoken basic practices that can help any employee in his or her career advancement.
Here are eight simple tips to incorporate in the office setting:
1. Be Early
Arriving to work early is the simplest way anyone can make a good impression without having to do any actual work. This may seem obvious, but so many employees do not apply this to their jobs.
It’s a bad look to be late for anything, such as the workday, a lunch break or a meeting. Being early shows the employee takes the job seriously, which will pay dividends down the road.
2. Don’t Be The Social Butterfly Of The Office
We should build rapport with our coworkers, but in every office, there’s that one employee who’s known for socializing too much.
Be aware that people are always watching and formulating opinions of each other. Fellow coworkers and management may start to question the work ethic of an overly social employee.
3. Proofread All Emails
The emails employees send are used to indicate their professionalism and overall aptitude.
Grammatical errors and improper formatting are signs of carelessness and incompetence. Proofread all email correspondence to ensure a professional work image is intact.
In today’s day and age, where every electronic document is saved and backed up, the emails we write will always exist. Like diamonds, emails are forever.
4. Don’t Bring Smelly Food to the Cubicle
The air in the workplace is shared like in an airplane.
Many of us eat our meals at our desks, which is fine as long as other coworkers can’t smell them.
Be mindful of the communal setting of the office. It’s inconsiderate to eat food everyone else around you can smell.
5. Only Browse the Internet Recreationally If the Screen Is Hidden
Let’s face it: We all surf the Internet at work. The key to doing this is not letting anyone else know about it.
If the content of our computer screens is hidden from other people’s sight, we can safely browse the web for recreational use.
Don’t be the one caught shopping on Amazon or viewing a YouTube clip by coworkers, or even worse, management.
6. Have a Proper Volume Level While on the Phone
There’s always going to be at least one employee who speaks way too loudly on the phone. Be sure to have an appropriate volume level while making calls. Other coworkers don’t need to hear the conversation.
We also take personal phone calls at the office. These should definitely go unheard by our coworkers. Make sure to keep these calls down. If need be, we can take these calls away from our cubicles and desks to ensure privacy.
7. Build Good Relationships with Coworkers
As you strive to excel in your job, having allies in the office can give you a step up in the underlying office politics.
Build good relationships with your coworkers. Having allies during emergencies, or when you need their influence to push your work forward with minimal hassle, will be a huge benefit to you.
8. Have Some Over-The-Counter Medicine On Hand
The workday can be a lengthy one. We may be staring at a computer screen for excessive stretches, leading to headaches and eye strain.
We may eat something that gives us an upset stomach, or have improper ergonomics which may lead to pain and discomfort. In times like these, it’s always good to have medicine around. Make sure to always have access to over-the-counter medicine to alleviate any pain.
When it comes to jobs, we are often focused on the actual tasks assigned to us.
While work product remains the bottom line, these tips centered around the office setting will also enhance our professional development and can lead to career gains.