
One Word To Change Your Life

by Evelyn Pelczar

You wanna know ONE SINGLE word that can change your entire life? I'm talking about a single, solitary, lonely little four letter word that can be added to your daily vocabulary and result in a massive shift in your reality and accomplishments. Sound like a word you want to know? Read on my friends...

We all go through our lives living a bunch of "shoulds." I should workout...I should eat better...I should do something to make more money...I should leave my crappy boyfriend/girlfriend -- then what? we DON'T. "Shoulds" are one of the biggest anchors to our personal progress in this world.

What can we do to change this negativity? It will only come from INSIDE each and every one of us, in the form of raising our standards and demands for ourselves. There's one simple shift that needs to be made.

Turn every SHOULD into a MUST. What if you DID workout more? DID eat better, DID make more money, DID get out of a bad relationship; how much of a POSITIVE IMPACT would this have on your life? Why do we live our lives according to what we SHOULD do and then DON'T, instead of what we MUST do and therefore WILL?!

The lack of satisfaction in each of our lives comes from within. We are not willing or driven enough to perform each and every should as a MUST, which is what it's going to take to really change our lives and our world for the better.

Nobody can tell you what a MUST is for YOU except yourself. Be honest and define these things within your heart, and then...only then...will you begin to change and achieve more fulfillment in your life.

James Michael Sama | Elite.
