
The Value Of Money And What It Really Means

by Evelyn Pelczar

Money is a dependent variable that affects the many decisions people make in their lives, ranging from collegiate enrollment and job decisions to simple/major investments. Inadvertently or intentionally we make some of our biggest life decisions in accordance with money. But what makes money so fascinating? Perhaps it’s the idea that these multi-colored bills and coins in our wallets allow us to set occupational goals for future successes or squander them.

There seems to be more to the face-value of a dollar bill than at first glance. Currency, money, wealth and sometimes power, are all words used to describe the same thing; a certain acquisition of financial stability to the point of security and comfort. Now money in its physical form is paper and coins, which have a higher representation as a standard of currency within a region. This definition highlights the conventions of money in an economical way. However, money on a more intimate level comes to represent something entirely different to mankind.

Happiness can’t be bought, but show me a sad person buying a new Mercedes or BMW. The relationship between money and its owner is in how it’s handled. Money can be a gateway toward happiness and financial safety, a grave into debt and IOUs, or a lock and safe for the more greed-driven.

The value of money changes in the hands of its possessor but not in a physical manner, but a metaphysical one. As an abstract value money is infinitely malleable, represented as a symbolic entity of power, greed, happiness, security, potential and status. As purchasing or buying becomes an infinite choice, very similarly wealth takes on an infinitely different meaning in the eyes of its beholder. The influence of money is a product of its owner and its use.

My personal relationship with money is a healthy one and it represents a potential future void of financial problems and insecurities. The pot-o-gold is the goal and I’ll be damned if I let a leprechaun stop me from swimming in it. Not to be confused with greed, money has come to fuel my ambition as it does for most people who have financial goals. Unfortunately, many people try to exclude one major component of getting the big bucks; putting in the hard work.

Effort, and tons of it, is almost synonymous with the acquisition of money. No one ever said being rich was going to be easy. Consequently, money represents abstractly the grueling work and dedication towards a career choice or investment in life. It has the potential to satisfy the inner goals that self-efficacy creates for us. Flipping it on its head, money has the capacity to decimate lives with debt and poverty. We all want what is at the end of the rainbow. We’re all in a race to see who can acquire the biggest pile faster than the next schmuck. But the satisfaction of working for your wealth is paramount in understanding the lessons of money.

Money simultaneously teaches humility and greed, patience and impulse, and stability and hopelessness. Dancing with money is to tango with the devil. More problems arise with the acquisition of money as its powerfully enticing forces snowball into a wrecking ball of mass enormity.

Understanding how to manage your time and money are quintessential in making sure you keep and obtain more of both. Moderation around the ideals of money-management can net the comfortable, financial result that all we entrepreneurs are looking for. Vacations on beaches, extravagant cars, you name it, if these are your “finish-lines” financially, then understanding the value of money will take you there.

Everyone has their own vision towards success. Money is not the end-all, be-all of life and happiness. Money curtails just as many failures as it does success, but how we handle and conduct ourselves with money produce the metaphysical meanings that money is to us individually and as a society.

Giving money produces just as much happiness as gaining it. Just as we all have personalities and make decisions, our personalities become reflected in how we manage our involvement with money. It can be a friend or enemy, but in a competitive world such as ours, you ought to become close friends with the “Jolly Green Giant”.

Andre Simpson | Elite.