Young woman in the light of the moon on Halloween 2021.

The Moon On Halloween 2021 Will Be Extra Creepy

Every sign will be affected by the haunting event.

On Oct. 31, 2021, The Moon Will Be In Virgo

This Halloween, a waning crescent moon will rise in analytical, intricate, and scientific Virgo, tapping into your eye for all the creepy details. The moon will also trine innovative and unique Uranus, bringing out your inner weirdo. Prepare for a hauntingly interesting holiday.

Taro Hama @ e-kamakura/Moment/Getty Images

You've probably got so many different ideas for how to spend this Halloween. Why not create the perfect itinerary? You may be in the mood to keep an air-tight yet fabulous schedule, making sure to fit in every single one of your bizarre plans for how to spend the holiday.
