Why Is Everyone So Damn Sensitive?
The world would be a much better place if everyone weren’t so f*cking sensitive. If you can’t laugh at yourself, you can’t get through life. You can literally reduce your stress levels by just relaxing. Why do people feel the need to make the biggest deal about the littlest things in life?
If you accidentally bump into someone on the street, how many times has his or her reaction been over the top? Do you take things too personally by analyzing every situation you are in? This may be a huge sign that you need to chill out.
The concept of getting embarrassed can be linked back to this phenomenon. There should be no such thing as being embarrassed, sh*t happens then you move on. What you think is embarrassing is most likely not mortifying to someone else. Sure maybe you trip on the sidewalk, but why are you dwelling on that?
“I don’t know if life is getting better, or the amount of f*cks I give is slowly dwindling.”
Recently an episode of the Disney show "Jessie" has been pulled for making fun of people with Gluten-Free diets. In this episode, a young boy had pancakes thrown at him because he was allergic to Gluten. As a response to this, a woman, Amy Raselvich, started an online petition asking the Disney Channel to stop airing this episode. Okay, maybe this is a little insensitive for the Disney Channel to do since it does cater to a young audience, but are you kidding me lady? Do you actually have nothing better to do?
I get that food allergies are not a laughing matter and some such as nut allergies can be deadly. However, why can’t you see this episode as a lesson learned for your children? In life people are going to put you down and make fun of you for all sorts of things -- some you can control and some you cannot.
This wasn’t necessarily a good idea for Disney, but we all know it happens. All this petition is proving is that if something hurtful happens in life, Mommy will take care of it. There are way worse things in life than sh*t that is happening on a television show. Children need to learn how to handle unfavorable situations on their own. This is exactly the reason people become soft; parents go out of their way to make life so easy for them. When these people become adults in the real world, they are going to be in for a huge reality check.
“The less f*cks you give, the happier you will be.”
People need to chill the F out. Life would be a whole lot easier and less stressful if we could just take a breath. Think about whatever situation you are in at that moment, is it actually as big of a deal as you are going to make it? We have become a hypersensitive and self-centered nation.
As a response to “Lin-sanity,” Ben and Jerry’s honored Jeremy Lin by creating an ice cream flavor for him. You would think this would be something to celebrate; however, society decided to act like a bunch of pussies in this situation. They claimed B&J were a bunch of racists because they decided to include fortune cookie flakes in the recipe. After becoming aware of these reactions, B&J changed the fortune cookies to waffle cookies. Instead of recognizing the impact of these racial complaints, they claimed they made this switch because the fortune cookies got soggy.
Constructive criticism is a concept that seeks to improve a person’s behavior; however, people take this as a huge insult. There is a reason the word constructive proceeds the word criticism. Your colleagues are trying to help you reach your full potential. Maybe instead of getting upset, you should actually listen to what they have to say.
Sometimes you need a fresh, unbiased perception in regard to your actions. Embrace the fact that someone cares enough to go out of their way and their busy schedule to help you.