
Never Stop Chasing What Matters

While there are many easily attainable things or activities in life that people enjoy, all but too many give up on forming a stronger and ultimately more beneficial relationship to what they love because of the inconvenience and stress this may induce.

Whether it is a dream job, business opportunity, or the girl that seems to have gotten away, you should never give up on any opportunity that involves what you really care about.

The things that really matter to a person will constantly be in his or her head. I know that when something is important to me it seems to be on my mind 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

If something can be thought about with such concern and dedication, I find it utterly unbelievable that so many people will just give up on their dreams because the road to attaining them may have a bump in the road here and there.

People are creatures of habit. When a person can just give up on what they seemed to care so much about, it shows a lot about their character. One problem or mistake doesn't mean a person's dreams are worthless or impossible to reach.

It takes dedication and a strong work ethic in order to battle through these obstacles and stay on track towards a goal. If everyone were to just give up when the going got tough, the entire world would be made up of partially completed things.

While it may seem impossible at times, remember that nothing is impossible. I know this saying is cliché yet there is a truth behind it that really shows the nature of someone's attitude, courage and outlook on life.

Before planes were invented, if you were to hear that I wanted to bend metal into different shapes and make that hunk of weight fly through the air, you would think I was crazy.

Yet the Wright brothers thought outside the box and never gave up on what they believed was possible. They followed their hearts and never stopped chasing their dreams.

If my father had stopped pursuing my mother when things got tough, I would never be alive to write this article; yet he continued to go after what meant the most to him and has changed the world because of it.

Ideas come and go everyday. It is important to realize which things in life are worth fighting for and which are only debilitating to your true purpose.

Yes, it may be easy to say, “Eh, fuck it. I don’t need this in my life” and drop whatever it was you were working on, but if something really matters to you, you should never, ever drop it. Never stop chasing your dreams, it's what life is all about.

Rob Hausler | Elite.