
How To Learn The 2-Part Skill Of Positive Thinking, As Told By A Nutritionist

A positive mindset is the first step to starting any new venture into self-improvement and health.

But most people don't know that there are actually two sides to the coin of having a positive mindset: the first is thinking positively (duh), and the second is evaluating and releasing thought patterns that aren't serving you.

So here are four things you need to know about changing your mindset to make your health goals, work:

1. Thinking positively doesn't work on it's own

Most people who are trying to think more positively don't evaluate why they had negative thoughts in the first place.

If you're trying to lose weight and you've been surrounding yourself with motivational quotes and images, that's only the first step to a two-step mindset shift process.

The second step is recognizing what fears you might have about becoming the best version of yourself. And if you're thinking to yourself that you don't have any fears around having a hot body, I recommend that you think deeper.

How will other people treat you once you reach your goals? Will your relationships with your unhealthy friends, change? How do you feel about receiving more attention?

These are the questions you need to explore, because once you are able to overcome any fears about becoming the best version of yourself, you're more likely to get closer and closer to your goal.

2. The purpose of having a positive mindset is to fuel action

One of the biggest misconceptions about mindset and the law of attraction is that your dreams will come true if you just sit there and think positively.

Instead, you want to think of a positive mindset as a tool or a gateway that makes you aware of opportunities that will take you closer to your goals.

Once you start shifting your mindset to being a person who is willing to take action on opportunities that come your way that are in line with your goals, you'll start to notice opportunities around you that were always there, but you never noticed before.

A positive mindset is your ticket to finding actionable steps that will make your dreams a reality.

3. A positive mindset needs to be realistic.

One of the biggest obstacles I see with my clients who are trying to lose weight is that they try to take on too many tasks at once.

In their minds, they are capable of working out every single day and have will power to say no to any cake that comes their way.

But your physical body and your mental attitude are different. Just because you think you can climb Mt. Everest without any training doesn't mean you are physically capable of doing it, now.

Instead, think of how you can break your goals down into bits that you are capable of doing on a physical level.

Having a positive mindset to do just the amount you are capable of on a daily basis is a great way to get closer to your goals over time. It's more strategic than thinking positively about something that you aren't capable of yet, and giving up.

4. A positive mindset requires trust

Sometimes, the biggest obstacle we face with setting our goals is that we don't believe we are capable of achieving them. Even if we tell ourselves we can with a positive mindset, the underlying trust is not there.

If you feel like your positive mindset doesn't match the belief you have about yourself on the inside, one thing you can do is try to pretend to be your idol.

In other words, ask yourself what someone whom you admire would do in the same situation, and trust that if you take the same action you'll be able to reach your goals, even if you don't believe in yourself at the current moment.

This simple trick can help you develop trust within yourself and validate a positive mindset.

Now that it's the new year, it's time to make sure that your head is in the right game mode so you can see your goals become a reality.