
Just Because You See Results Doesn't Mean You Can Ease Up On Your Goals

by Gilberto Rosas
Danil Nevsky

We're all after results. We set our goals, work at them and either fail or succeed. It's a tiring process, but it's how we progress and grow.

But is it really that simple? When you really begin to break down what it means to succeed and what it means to fail, things start getting a lot more complicated.

This is what I've learned about results:

1. Mo' money, mo' problems.

Biggie was right all along. But it doesn't just apply to money. I find that every time I reached a new level of achievement, there's no longer the problems of before, but there is a new set of problems waiting right around the corner.

An example a lot of 20-somethings can relate to is the yearning to go to college and experience life as a young adult in a fresh and free environment, but once you get there, you find out that the workload is much more and now you actually have to put your head down to the books and study for hours to get that good grade. Not to mention, you might have to get a part-time job, and all of this is not even considering all the responsibilities you might have outside of school.

This has made me realize that no matter who you are, everyone has problems. Some just have "better" problems while others have serious problems, the only difference being the individual and how they react to those problems in their life.

2. It might take a different form.

So many times, we wish for certain things to happen in our lives. I know that I've personally imagined scenarios that I would like to happen exactly as I see it in my mind, but that has never been the case. This makes total sense when you consider that there's an unlimited amount of outcomes possible for any desired result. But if you got what you asked for and worked toward, do the little details really matter?

3. No one cares.

You might be ecstatic over the new promotion you got or the incredible transformation you just made in the gym, but at the end of the day, it's for you. People might be happy for you in the moment, but no one will be as happy as you are. Why do I bring this up? The point I want to make is to do things for you. I've found that when I do things that I 100 percent want to do, I don't find myself attached to a certain outcome from others. I will do it no matter what anyone says or thinks.

4. Once you get it, you gotta keep it.

A mentor of mine said, "Success is quick to come, and quickly fleeting."

Those words have resonated so strongly that I can't help but share this nugget of wisdom because I used to think that once you achieve the success you desired, you just keep it.

Similar to when you save up to buy that car you've been wanting, you get to keep it. But this is simply not true when it comes to results. Let me explain.

So many people want that ripped physique, but I've seen so many that have achieved that incredible weight loss only to gain it back a few months later. There's also the example of lottery winners. They hit the big numbers and get their cash prize only to end up in the same position they were a couple months ago. It's because there was no intention to sustain it, only to reach it.

I find it much better to keep it so what I was told by my mentor was, "The success isn't about what you get, but who you become." It's not just about the success you see on the outside, but more so about the success that happens on the inside and that can be translated achieving anything because you understand, on a deep level, what it takes to get there.

5. Once you get it, you might not want it.

Have you ever had a lack that has followed all throughout your life? Perhaps you grew up poor or with some other lack that has made an impact on you to this day. When someone is so far on one side of the spectrum, there is this strong desire to be on completely the other side. For example, the poor kid who becomes a self-made millionaire only to realize that materialistic pleasures are not sufficient enough to bring happiness into his life.

In an effort to avoid such a tragic outcome such as this, I've realized that balance is the best goal for achievement. What's the use of being a millionaire if you're sick, sad and lonely? Too much of anything is bad for you. It's a cliché, I know, but the best advice is always hidden in plain sight.

6. They might have it, but you still want it.

Everyone has that friend who has had abs since he hit puberty. I know I have several friends like that. I used to feel so bad about my body because I compared it to theirs.

"Man, that guy is just genetically blessed, and meanwhile, I got the short end of the stick."

This was my dialogue for a large portion of my teen years. What I've now come to realize is that there is absolutely no use to complaining and comparing because, at the end of the day, I still want that ripped physique.

"Dude, that's awesome! I'm gonna have that one day."

That's my internal dialogue now. I am perfectly fine with where I'm at, and it's because I am constantly improving myself. The hard work and hours of sweat and discipline grants me the confidence to take my shirt off with no shame because I know I worked hard for this body and I'm going to showcase even if might not be a Zac Efron-type physique.

7. Life happens, you get distracted.

There are so many distractions that bombard us every day. There are also random things that go wrong that deter us from our path to progression. I might be doing absolutely phenomenal and amazing like never before in one area of my life but experience a total car wreck in another. It happens, and there's no controlling it.

What I've found to be absolutely crucial in these situations is to have complete control over the only three things we can: our thoughts, words and actions.

I've noticed that when I keep my thoughts on my goal, I become more focused, and my thoughts and actions align with those thoughts, which allows me to find ways to get it done instead of finding an excuse to rationalize my inaction.