
Don't Hold Yourself Back

by Evelyn Pelczar

Generation Y is establishing itself at a key point in history. Never has there been a generation as obsessed with success, fame and money. As more and more of us pursue our education, our minds are becoming inundated with ideas on how to succeed.

But that's just it. Much of the noise being made is comprised of hypothetical ideas, and not actual execution. We are afraid of the potential obstacles that we are bound to face, and in being afraid, we build the greatest obstacle of them all.

Success isn't met with ease, for if it were, we would all be prosperous in some way. The path to success comes with trials and tribulations, sleepless nights, failures and dead ends. Frankly, if you're not ready to face these hardships, you don't deserve to be successful.

Holding back from an opportunity is a disservice to yourself. You literally have nothing to lose. If you try, and achieve, that's fucking great.

If you try, and fail, you'll end up in the same place you are now: hungry, but with more knowledge for a wiser perspective on the future. There is always a lesson to be learned.

Here are some individuals who succeeded despite their failures:

Michael Jordan: The G.O.A.T. was cut from Laney High School's varsity basketball team during his sophomore year for being too short.

Walt Disney: His first animation company went completely bankrupt not long after he started it. His cartoons were continually turned down from newspapers and magazines for not being creative enough.

The Beatles: A few record companies deemed the band a bust, even proclaiming that they had no future in the music business.

Winston Churchill: Failed the 6th grade.

Remember ladies & gentlemen, ideas are just ideas. Don't be afraid to pursue your dreams and become elite.

Misaell Cabral | Elite