Gen-Y Is The Best Generation Because We've Made It Embarrassing To Not Vote
Older generations like to bash Millennials for ruining all types of things. They claim we've ruined the normal standard of having a 9 to 5 job (screw your 9 to 5). They claim we're too entitled and are unappreciative of the lives we've been given.
Older generations like to accuse Millennials of "ruining" the world, but let's all take a moment to think about who raised us... exactly.
I'm proud as hell to be a Millennial. We're woke AF and won't let anything slide through the cracks. If we want to make a statement, you best believe we are going to make sure our voices are heard.
And with the election quickly approaching, we definitely don't want this country to crash and burn. Since we're the future of America, we're sure as hell going to make our voices heard on November 8.
Personally, I have made sure those who have the privilege to vote are registered. People don't realize how powerful just one vote can be, especially while there are people in this country dying to vote, but can't.
Before registration closed, many organizations on my college campus held events solely dedicated to getting students to register to vote.
I am involved in one of those organizations. We had a little stand with registration forms throughout the day, making sure students on campus didn't miss out on this important opportunity.
I understand how people might think one vote doesn't make a difference, but let me tell you, it does.
My mom and I were talking about the first presidential debate when the topic quickly escalated into an angry discussion about Donald Trump and his campaign. That got me to ask her, "Mom, are you voting?"
That was when I learned she wasn't registered.
I laid into her — in a respectful manner, of course — about why she should be embarrassed and ashamed about the fact that she wasn't registered.
Mind you, we had just finished a conversation about how this country will go down in flames if Donald Trump wins.
She claimed she's not voting because she thinks opting out on November 8 is a sure-fire way to make sure he doesn't win. That logic made no sense to me.
She was one of those people who thought her vote didn't really matter, but I went on to explain why it matters so much.
The conversation went something along the lines of, "Mom, there are people in this country, especially our people, who are terrified that Trump might win because their life will be doomed if he does. Don't you want to help them stay in this country by simply voting?"
I understand why people don't feel their vote actually matters. The whole process to vote just seems so complicated to begin with, but with some explanation, it's easy as one, two, three. That's how I talked my mom into registering and finally voting in a presidential election for the very first time.
After that, she gave me a list of people who are eligible to register and assured me she's going to make sure they are. The domino effect made me proud to be her daughter.
Millennials have made random things like brunch and minimalistic fashion and lifestyle choice a trend. But one of the most important things Millennials have made into a mainstream trend is standing up for human rights.
Making sure we're aware of political and social matters are some of the top priorities in the Millennial world, and that's a feat to be proud of. We're not just a superficial generation older people like to look down on.
Millennials are acutely aware of where they stand in society, and getting everyone involved in the political process — and, therefore, making our passion for social justice and having our voices heard — is one of our fortes.
So, when we're the ones finally holding down the fort in the United States, you can bet we're going to make a difference.
The election is November 8.