
8 Fun Things To Look Forward To On Your First Mother's Day As A New Mom

Evgenij Yulkin

Once you have your first baby, your world is changed forever. You've brought a new life into the world, and the needs of your child are now more important than your own.

The journey you're about to make will last a lifetime, and you now have a special day set aside just for you. Mother's Day was established in 1914 to commemorate the millions of special women just like you: the ones who make sacrifices to ensure that their children have the best lives possible.

There are many exciting things you have to look forward to as a first-time mother. So, here's what it's like to celebrate your first Mother's Day as a new mom:

1. You have the day to yourself.

Let's face it: With motherhood comes hours of hard work and dedication. As your first Mother's Day approaches, you may be looking forward to having a day to yourself.

This often involves being pampered at the spa, getting manicures and pedicures or simply taking some time to relax and enjoy the fact that you're able to reward yourself with a bottle of wine.

2. You get to capture these special moments.

Time flies when you're having fun. Before long, your little bundle of joy will be all grown up and ready to face the world.

This makes photo gifts all the more special. They take on a variety of creative and unique forms.

It doesn't matter whether your loved ones make a scrapbook, create a standard photo album or make photo mugs, photo mouse pads or professional framed family photos. They capture these moments, and they help you remember the old times for many years to come.

3. You get mom's night out.

As a new mom, you likely take as many moments as you can to peek in on your new addition with pride. However, on Mother's Day, it's OK to hire a babysitter and finally take the night off.

Whether you go out with your significant other to enjoy some Mother's Day wine or go dancing with a few of your best girlfriends, the attention will be on you. Some of the exciting things that may be in store for you include the following:

  • Dinner at a nice restaurant
  • Dancing
  • Watching a new movie at the theater
  • A nice, long bubble bath

4. It's dad's turn.

New mothers have to wear numerous hats. From changing diapers to preparing bottles, the tasks can seem endless.

However, one of the best Mother's Day gifts a new dad can provide is switching roles and walking a mile in your busy shoes. This leaves you to do whatever you please.

You may even receive a dinner that's been prepared especially for you.

5. You finally get to sleep through the night.

This is a common, early Mother's Day gift that new moms everywhere appreciate. It's no secret that getting a full, restful night's sleep with a new baby in the house can prove difficult.

You're often interrupted due to midnight feedings and other duties. However, the night before Mother's Day, you may be off the hook.

New dads understand the importance of sleep, and it's entirely possible that he'll take care of the things that need to get done during the evening hours. Be prepared to wake up early, however: You may be in store for some breakfast in bed.

6. You receive your first Mother's Day card.

Before long, you'll have celebrated many Mother's Days. However, the first one is special. It marks your entrance into the world of motherhood, and it foreshadows the many memories you have yet to come.

Even if the card is simple, it will long serve as a reminder of the place where the whole experience started. You'll want to be sure to store it somewhere safe.

7. You get new clothes for the new you.

Pregnancy takes a toll on your body. You've likely transformed your wardrobe over the course of the past nine months.

However, now that your baby has entered the world, your body is on its way to returning to its original form. This makes your first Mother's Day a great time for you to recreate your closet.

Be prepared for the possibility of receiving a gift card to your favorite clothing store. You may even be released from your motherly duties for the remainder of the day, so that you can indulge in a much-deserved shopping spree.

8. There are many years of joy still to come.

As a new mother, you have the exciting job of raising a child ahead of you. While that job's not an easy one, it's a rewarding experience that can't be compared to any other.

As you anticipate what to do on Mother's Day, keep in mind that this is now your day. The people you spend your time caring for will shower you with love and attention.

This is your day to relax and accept the appreciation you receive for a job well done.