How To Find The Perfect Perfume, As Told By Your Zodiac Sign
I've been a perfume-obsessed girl creature my entire life. My family has been in fragrance industry as long as they've been in America, so seeking out sensual scents is deeply rooted into my genes. For as long as I can remember, my father-daughter bonding has consisted of us hitting up the beauty counters in luxury department stores to analyze the hottest fragrances on the market.
I think smell is the most visceral sense of them all. Nothing has the power to stir up unexpected feelings and tucked away memories like a scent. It's the opposite of intellectual; there is no complex answer you must work hard to find. Nah, you're just drawn to whatever scent grooves best with your body chemistry, babe. Choosing a fragrance doesn't exist in the head; it's nothing but pure, raw, stripped-down instinct.
And what's so cool and beautiful about fragrance is it works differently on everyone. What smells good on me might not smell good on you, girl, and that kind of wild representation of sheer individuality is awesome and refreshing in this basic, copy-cat world.
After years and years and years of working in the beauty industry, I've realized that choosing a signature scent can be a harrowing process for a woman. Women would repeatedly ask me for my help back in my beauty counter days, and you better believe I was always super passionate about finding a girl a scent that perfectly suited her style and personality.
However I noticed that a signature scent changes with the seasons. I mean, our style, our aesthetic and our mood changes with the seasons, so why the hell wouldn't our fragrance?
So I decided to venture back to my roots, and help to demystify the art of choosing the perfect summer scent, babes. Only since you're not standing in front of me (though I oh-so-wish you were), I thought starting with Zodiac was the next best thing...
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Juliet Has A Gun, "Not A Perfume"
As a free-thinking, minimalist who is a wonderful combination of both shy and wildly eccentric, Juliet Has A Gun "Not A Perfume" is the perfect summer fragrance for you my Aquarius, babes.
It's got the awesome juxtaposition of perfectly fresh and clean scent, made by an offbeat, edgy and eccentric brand. Its main note is Cetalox, which is a synthetic ambergris (which is hypo-allergenic and gorgeously pure for your precious Aquarius skin).
Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Vilhelm Parfumerie, "A Lilac A Day" Eau De Parfum
With romantic blue lilac mixed with spring freesia and Egyptian jasmine, "A Lilac A Day" is one of my personal favorite fragrances this glorious summer season. It's hard to pull off an airy summer fragrance that still has depth and soul, without being too wintery -- and this fragrance does precisely that. It's perfect for my deep, compassionate Pisces, who loves to feel feelings, even when in the thick of the carefree summer.
Aries (March 21 to April 19) Tom Ford "Neroli Portofino Aqua"
My courageous Aries isn't going to do well with an overtly floral, skipping-through-a field-of-prissy-daisies type of fragrance, because well, it won't match your transportive, adventurous vibes, babe.
But you know what will? Tom Ford's "Neroli Portofino Aqua." It's a chic summer scent inspired by the chic, turquoise Italian Riviera.
It's got a burst of unapologetic citrus that's enthusiastic and optimistic JUST LIKE YOU (when you're in a good mood, and that's what I want for you babes), and of course a little sexy amber to keep your untamable self grounded.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) Dolce & Gabbana "Light Blue" (the original, not "Love In Capri")
I'm a Taurus, and this one of my most absolute classic scents of all time (which says a lot because I'm a full-blast fragrance slut). We aren't summer sugar sweet girls, we're all about the lush summer romance. We're about the full-blast sensuality of summer---the smell, the sounds, the colors, the textures.
Which makes Dolce & Gabbana "Light Blue" our perfect summer fragrance. It's super luxe (you know we like the finer things in this life my fellow bulls) with succulent honeysuckle, classic cedar wood, and almond blossom notes.
That soulful blue packaging, is enough to ignite our soulful Taurus senses. I could gaze into that blue packaging for hours and hours and hours, baby.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20) Prada "Candy Kiss"
It's no secret that I love myself a little bit of sexy Gemini energy. Which is why Prada "Candy Kiss" is the perfect summer fragrance for sexy, naughty, flirty little you.
It's wildly flirtatious, hyper-sexual and dynamic. It's reminiscent of the sweet, innocent girl who's really kinky underneath her conservative dress. (It's always the ones who look the most tame who are really freaky.) It has non-threatening cotton notes, with a blast of sassy orange blossom, and some sweet seductive vanilla. It's unapologetically sexual and sweet, in a fetish way. And we all know you like a bit of fetish, my twin babe.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Bond No. 9 "The Hamptons"
Bond No. 9 "The Hamptons" is the scent for you my sensitive Cancer. (I know this because I've dated two of you, and I know scents turn you on, Cancer girls.)
Deliciously ~creamy~ and named after the gorgeous Manhattan getaway, it's enough to make your emotional heart melt in the summer heat.
I mean think about it: "The Hamptons" itself is enough to get you going. It's the gorgeous place with the magical light that's cultivated some of our nation's greatest artists. And this scent embodies just that.
Leo (July 23-August 22nd) Escada "Aqua Del Sol Limited Edition"
Leos are passionate creatures, who thrive in the months of summer. In fact, my Leo babies have personalities just like summer. You love nothing more than a lush holiday, carefree days and hot weather. Makes sense, as you little lions were born in July -- and what season represents the summer like July?
All of this makes you the perfect model for Escada "Aqua Del Sol." Escada has made limited edition summer scents every year since 1993, and I think 2016 might be the best one yet. (I've been collecting them since I was 10.)
This fragrance has an energizing fruit note, and makes you feel like you just stuck your nose into a bed of tropical flowers and doused your body in a slathering of coconut oil. It makes you feel like you've got golden skin and salt-water-hair and are lounging in glam St. Barths, even when you're stuck in an office in shitty midtown Manhattan.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22) Bobbi Brown "Beach"
When I think "summer fragrance" I immediately think Bobbi Brown "Beach." It's a classic bestselling summer fragrance, and I don't think anything truly encompasses "summer on the East Coast" like this serene smell.
It's perfect for a loyal Virgo who likes minimalistic scents, and isn't just another sucker for hype and packaging (unlike me). This is simple, intoxicating in a non abrasive way and straight to the point. It has the perfectly balanced blend of jasmine, sea spray and mandarin, and is ideal for day and night (perfect for non-fussy you).
Libra (September 23 - October 22) Marc Jacobs "Daisy Dream--Blush Edition"
Libra's are beautifully balanced creatures who love the fresh air, soothing ~gentle energy~ and stunning beauty. This makes Marc Jacobs "Daisy Dream Blush Edition" perfect for a Libra. It's a classically gorgeous scent with violet leaves, waterlily, rose and some clean musk to give you just the right amount of sex appeal.
Not only that but the packaging will totally appease your gorgeous libra eyes, and the perfect blush toned bottle is adorned with bohemian daisies. It's as beautiful as it smells, and you, my darling libra MUST BE SURROUNDED BY BEAUTY, OR ELSE.
Scorpio (October 23rd-November 21st) Frederic Malle, "Carnal Flower"
A Scorpio is a sexual force of nature, especially when the temperatures begin ~rise~ in the summer.
You're not going to adorn yourself in Flowerbomb by Victor + Rolf or Marc Jacobs Daisy. No -- they're too fucking sweet. And you're many things, but sweet is not one of them.
You need the sexiest summer fragrance in the world, which is why "Carnal Flower" by Frederic Malle calls your name. The name says it all: something as an innocent as a flower and crushed by a pressing sexuality. Sort of what you do to people, huh, Scorpio?
With seductive notes like Jasmine, orange blossom and coconut mingling, it's sexy as the fiery pits of hell itself.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) Bond No. 9 "Fire Island"
With Cardamom, neroli, white musk, tuberose and patchouli notes, Bond No. 9 "Fire Island" is the perfect scent for the curious, idealistic, extroverted Sagittarius.
When I sampled it at their Meatpacking District shop after a drunken brunch last weekend, I almost fell over it made me so deliriously happy. (And "Fire Island" itself happens to be one of my "happy" places, so thankfully it represents the island perfectly.) This fragrance smells like sun-kissed skin, white wine all day and loud-party-in-a-bikini-at-night rowdy bliss. Which means it smells like Ibiza, huh?
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) Jo Malone "Wood Sage & Sea Salt"
Even a disciplined Capricorn loves the free-spirited energy of summer, right? But you're not into reckless, drunken, overtly sexual summer; you like a bit of class in the hot summer months.
Jo Malone "Wood Sage & Sea Salt" is the perfect summer scent for YOU, my beloved Capricorns. It's got a woody sage earthiness that makes you feel sophisticated and safe, but a little salt water edge to keep you calm and summery, babes.