
The Little Gifts The World Has To Offer

by Michael Kaye

The world is full of hidden treasures that remain waiting to be discovered. Across the seas lies a vast span of land occupying a new way of life to come across, new languages to learn, cultures to be understood, and interesting foods to graze your succulent lips.

The various cultures of the world each possess something so valuable beyond our comprehension. Learning about others is a great way to learn about ourselves, ironically enough.

My parents have blessed me dearly with the advantage many have yet to achieve of seeing the world. I’ve water skied along the French Riviera, traveled the Californian coast, climbed mountains in Israel, and swam the oceans off Mexico. The world is truly such a picturesque place that everyone should seek out.

No article or book can ever really capture what I have managed to learn in my travels, but what I can do is offer up a small glimpse to this treasure I seem to possess.

Europe is honestly one of the greatest places to travel. European style, fashion, cuisine, and ambiance are so different than what is offered to us here in the states. France and Italy justly epitomize high-end lifestyles anyone can partake in, even if for a brief period of time on vacation.

Unfortunately I only spent a week in England, but what a week it was. My family and friends spent the week in a London apartment edifice. Every morning began the same for me, like ‘Groundhog Day.’ Rip the comforter off my chilled body and pull open the window shades letting the gleaming London sunlight in.

We spent day in town gallivanting through the streets, and visiting the shops of Piccadilly Circus. Occasionally we would escape the hustle-bustle of the city and retreat to Stonehenge and other countryside wonders.

We also traveled up north to Canada where, never thought I’d be able to say this, our hotel was completely made of ice. Soft, supple queen beds where replaced with blocks of ice covered with animal skin and fur.

Israel was a lot more humbling of an experience. Nights were spent sleeping in the middle of the desert under a Bedouin tent, or upon a Kibbutz where we were in charge of providing our own food.

Hawaii proved to be a drastic lifestyle change. The fast paced movement seen in New York remains on the opposite side of the spectrum from the various islands of Hawaii. The lifestyle was very slow-paced, relaxed, and holistic.

While extravagant vacations are ideal and breathtaking, it is still important to get dirty and appreciate the amazing life we have been given. Sitting in a private home-style restaurant in Tennessee has been permanently imprinted in my memories over other lavish remembrances.

Take advantage of every opportunity provided to you, you’ve got one life to live, and if you live it right…once is enough.

Michael Kaye | Elite.