
5 Childhood Fall Traditions That Should Be Perfectly Acceptable To Carry Into Adulthood

by Emma Webster

Fall is, hands down, the best season at any age. However, as I get a little older, I've realized that there are certain expectations of which activities you should and should not partake in as an adult.

Apparently, some of the fall fun I had as a kid is no longer "age appropriate." Well, I think that's bull. So what if I'm 24? I don’t want to bake intricate desserts; I don’t know how to make my pumpkin seeds into a tasty treat and I can’t carve my pumpkin into a family portrait.

What I want is to be able to participate in my favorite fall activities without being judged for being the only non-toddler in the mix. I would like to petition for it to be completely acceptable for adults and children alike to enjoy the following "children's" fall activities:

Raking leaves and jumping into the pile

A quick glance at any pro-Instagrammer's photo reel may lead you to believe that young adults still participate in the activity of jumping into leaf piles. In reality, all they’re doing is manipulating their bodies to make it look like they’re jumping into the pretty autumn leaves in order to optimize the number of likes on a photo.

I highly doubt these people are actually jumping into the dirty leaves. However, I want to. I don’t think you must be a child in order for it to be acceptable to jump into a pile of what is basically dead bits of nature.

Sure, the pile will have to be a bit bigger, but my raking skills have improved enough for that to be a feasible task. I don’t care if I hurt my hip jumping; I don’t care if I get dirty, and I don’t care if there are ants.

I want to jump in the leaves and roll around like a dog, and I don’t want to be judged for it simply because I am over the age of 12.

Making paper turkeys

Remember in elementary school when everyone had to cut out construction paper in the shape of his or her hand and then would make it into a little turkey?

I think that should still be an acceptable form of Thanksgiving decorating, even at age 24. It’s easy, it’s fun and it’s silly. So what if my apartment looks like it’s home to a small child, rather than two grown adults? At least I got to use plastic googly eyes.

Carving crappy pumpkins

Yes, most adults still carve pumpkins. These days, however, I feel that I am expected to do some beautiful, Pinterest-worthy carving. Just because I have graduated from college does not mean my pumpkin-carving skills have advanced whatsoever.

That sh*t is hard, y'all! Even though I’m really bad at carving, and may end up with a few cuts afterwards, I don’t want to be left out of the pumpkin-carving fun.

Please keep your comments about how my pumpkin looks a blind toddler carved it, to yourself, and let me enjoy my fall fun!


Last year, I found myself on a hayride with an overwhelming number of families. There did not seem to be anyone over the age of 15 who wasn't there with his or her child. My friends and I were the glaring exception: a big group of young professionals, enjoying a small hayride through a largely child-centric corn maze arena.

But you know what? Hayrides are fun. I find sitting on haystacks strangely calming, and I like being driven slowly through fields. So sue me; at least I don’t have to worry about my kid crying every time we go over a bump.

Having your parents make your Halloween costume

As an adult, I do a lot of things on my own: I make my own dinners, I pay my own rent and I even pick out my own outfits in the morning. When it comes to Halloween costumes, however, I’ve honestly never been that great.

It’s not the ideas I have trouble with -- I have millions of those. It’s the actual execution of the idea that fails me. I’ve finally resigned to the fact that I was not made for the fashion world, as my sewing and cutting skills are lacking quite a bit.

I’ve managed to throw together some great costumes over the years, but it would be super awesome to just be able to say, “Hey, mom, sew my costume for me?” Not to mention I’m sure she would still do it today if I asked her (thanks, mom, you da best!).

Somehow, though, the phrase, “Oh, my mom made it” doesn't have quite as nice a ring to it when you’re 24 years old and at a bar, surrounded by scantily-clad nurses.

Photo Courtesy: Tumblr