
News Reporter Caught On Camera Asking Co-Anchor What She Thinks About Boners

by Alec MacDonald

I'm not going to lie to you guys, this is a video where a news anchor says "boner" instead of "butter." No misdirection here, guys. If you want to see that happen, watch the video. If you don't want to see that happen, I wouldn't like being friends with you, but you don't have to watch the video.

The male news anchor turns to his left, looks at the health expert beside him and proclaims, "You're a health expert, what do you think about boner?"

She responds very calmly, "I am a huge butter fan."

Props to this guy for not laughing after her response though. He may have made a mistake, but by keeping his composure there, he proved he was a professional.

Now, I know I'm supposed to keep my personal story out of these incredibly serious and sober recounting of important news stories like this one. But, I'd just like to show everyone a screenshot of my YouTube player as I first watched this video.

Did you notice anything yet?


Let me help.





God is real.


Citations: Awkward News Blooper Has Anchorman Asking His Female Co-Host What She Thinks About His Boner (BroBible)