
Like A Boss: The Best Of The New 'Business Baby' Memes (Photos)

by Connor Toole

The new Internet sensation "Business Baby" has arrived, and it is a "Buy."

The humor lies in the fact that, despite being only a small child, he displays the demeanor of someone with much more experience and and authority. This is the expression of a man who doesn't take no for an answer. A businessman.

The Internet has taken quite an affinity to this little guy, and a number of people have dreamed up a wide variety of fanciful situations involving the world of business if it were run by a small child. Here are some of the best:

Going on a business trip...

Arriving at the airport...

Writing the quarterly report...

Making sure things get done...

Older than he looks...

Singing his John Hancock...

Supplies are limited...

People are way too uptight...

He won't be tricked...

Logistics aren't his concern...

A worker is underperforming...

Making lunch plans...

Always looking to innovate...

Gambling on investments...

Providing employees with incentives...


Car trouble...

Dining out...

Problems with the waiter...

Taking a hit...

via Reddit, Photos Courtesy: MakeAMeme