
Genius Instagram Artist Draws Penises In Totally Absurd Situations (Photos)

by Alec MacDonald

Look, guys. I'm into the simple things in life. You know, friendship, a cold beer on a summer evening, music and dick drawings.

All the normal stuff.

Now, you can get most of those things pretty easily, but we have a drought of dick drawings in this country at present.

Dick pics, well, they're all over the place. But we've been drawn away (pun intended) from the long history of crudely-drawn, anthropomorphized wiener-doodles this country was founded on.

Thankfully, one solemn crusader is out to change things. This artist is drawing penises, and he or she is drawing a lot of them. Daily Dong Doodles is an Instagram displaying exactly what you think would.

Let's take a look at the work. Who knows? Maybe one day these will be hanging in the Metropolitan Museum of Art's men's bathroom stalls.

Just walking the dong


It’s not a girl!

Dick Jockey

The man who discovered gravitities

Metaphysical Dong

Dick Cravings

Weiner is cumming.


Sumo wrestling: The ancient Japanese sport where two fat, powerful dicks butt heads.

Sometimes, I just feel like I have the whole world on my genitals.

Captain Jack-off Sparrow

It’s hard out there, guys.