This Tiny Hedgehog Is So Freaking Adorable, We Literally Can't Handle It (Photos)
There are all sorts of adorable animals on social media, but no critter can top the cuteness of Instagram's newest rising star, Marutaro the Hedgehog.
Seriously, you might want to prepare yourself. This playful pet is about to melt your heart.
Marutaro is a delightful little hedgehog, and I have to say this creature might just be one of the most precious things on the Internet -- and quite possibly in the world.
Apparently, I'm not the only one losing my sh*t over how freakin' cute this spiky fella is; all sorts of people seem to be falling head over heels for this hedgehog.
Marutaro already gained over 30,000 followers, thanks to an impressive Instagram account chronicling all the amazing critter's adventures.
Take a look at the pictures below to see this Insta-famous hedgehog.