
20 Awesome Time-Lapse Videos That Prove How Cool Instagram's New Hyperlapse App Is

by Robert Anthony

Are you ready to give your Instagram feed a facelift?

On Tuesday, August 26, Instagram announced Hyperlapse, the new app enabling users to effortlessly create time-lapse videos.

In the world of photography, composing a time-lapse video or image is easier said than done. Weeks, months and even years go by before a photographer finally puts the finishing touches on a flawless time-lapse video.

A while back, we introduced you to "Above LA," a magical time-lapse video put together by videographer Chris Pritchard. That piece alone took approximately two years to complete, as Pritchard captured over 300 clips all around the city of Los Angeles.

With the Hyperlapse app, Instagram makes it pretty easy for users to tap into the time-lapse technique from their smartphones.

So far, Hyperlapse has been getting great feedback from users and there are already tons of these mesmerizing videos uploaded. Check out 20 of the coolest ones below!

Instagram's new Hyperlapse app redefines what it means to play in traffic.

Recording your driving skills just looks better with Hyperlapse.

Not a good driver? Show off your soccer moves!

You probably never realized how insane you actually look when your trampoline session is sped up.

These girls are pros!

Document your entire vacation for your envious friends.

Ladies, creepily stalking lifeguards at the beach is now even easier. Just say you're testing out Instagram's new app!

Bored? Make yourself dizzy.

Why take a picture when you can just time-lapse your moment?

All of your videos will look like the beginning of a sitcom.

Pretend you're being tormented by a toy snake.

The possibilities really are endless...

Especially when you can show your boss exactly why you were late to work!

Another reason Hyperlapse is awesome: Companies can test products right on Instagram.

And you can test your strength in front of the camera during your 6 am workout!

With the Hyperlapse app, expect better "rise and grind" posts every morning.

Even something as simple as tying your shoes before you start your day looks cooler.

Once you're out of the house, you can capture your entire daily routine in under a minute. This changes everything!

Even your favorite inspirational quotes will have better visuals to go along with them!

The app store awaits...

Do you have an awesome Hyperlapse video? Tweet it to us!

Top Photo Courtesy: 500PX